Victory celebrations in Ledbury on Saturday 8th June and Monday last 10th June were marred and curtailed by unfavourable weather. The programme of sports had to be postponed until Whit-Monday, but persistent rain during the morning caused a second postponement. The children, however, were well catered for and they should long remember Victory Day.
A merry peal on the parish church bells in the morning commenced the day's proceedings on Saturday and the children of the town were given a free cinema show in the Drill Hall, the operator being Mr. Bancroft, of Hereford. Cowboy film, Mickey Mouse and other sound pictures, which delighted the young audience for two hours, included some popular songs in which the children heartily joined.
The carnival procession assembled at Newbury Park at 1.45 p.m. and precisely at that time rain commenced to fall but the programme was partly carried out. On a lorry beautifully decorated with flowers and streamers sat the Victory Carnival Queen, Miss Josephine Cale, beautifully attired and holding a bouquet of roses. She had been chosen by popular vote and with her two attendants, Miss May Pedlingham and Miss Ada Mayo, also carrying bouquets and becomingly dressed, made a charming spectacle. Addressing the assembled crowd. Mr. W. G. Warren, chairman of the Celebrations Committee, after congratulating the "Queen" and her attendants, placed a crown on the "Queen's" head amid the cheers of the spectators. Followed by a contingent of individuals on foot in various kinds of fancy dresses and costumes, the procession pro-ceeded slowly down the Homend to the Market Square where a short halt was made. The citizens lined the route and a particularly large crowd assembled in the market place but the announced processional parade had to be abandoned and the sports and novelty events postponed.
![[Newspaper Cutting - Janet JONES ( Pedlingham ) Collection JJ10] [Victory Celebrations 1946]](http://www.old-ledbury.co.uk/pics/JJ/JJ10.jpg)
Mr W G WARREN ( Chairman of ledbury Victory Celebrations Committee ) with Mr T M RYAN crowning the Ledbury Victory Queen ( Josephne CALE )
![[Newspaper Cutting - Janet JONES ( Pedlingham ) Collection JJ9] [Victory Celebrations 1946]](http://www.old-ledbury.co.uk/pics/JJ/JJ9.jpg)
![[Newspaper Cutting - Janet JONES ( Pedlingham ) Collection JJ8] [Victory Celebrations 1946]](http://www.old-ledbury.co.uk/pics/JJ/JJ8.jpg)
Children in the fancy dress parade
The procession proceeded to the Drill Hall where the fancy dresses Were judged by Dr. and Mrs. Groves, whose awards were: Girls (Costume) Barbara Hembling 1. Joan Pedlingham 2; Boys (Costume) Keith Edwards and friend 1, John Holloway 2; Cycle Master Clarke; Pram Mrs. J. Reynolds; Ladies Mrs H. Groves 1. Mrs. Fortey 2; Messrs Morris (lorry). The total entries were 76 and there were 73 competitors. The were distributed by the Victory Queen (Miss Josephine Cale).
It had been intended to give the children tea in High-street, and all preparations had been made. This, however, proved impossible, as rain was still falling, and the event was transferred to St. Katherine's Hospital, the long corridors of which were filled by about 800 children and including some old age pensioners on the groud and first floors, giving them shelter. The food depot at the Town Hall was managed by many women helpers who carried the food across to St. Katherine's and the children had a truly wonderful spread, including cakes, jellies, trifles and many other dainties with tea kept hot in containers. The many willing helpers saw to it that the children had a splendid tea and cer-tainly this was a highly successfull undertaking carried out under considerable difficulty due to the weather. The space underneath the Town Hall was also used for tea for the children and here again all went off successfully. The Ledbury Town Band played selections in High-street during tea which added considerably to the enjoyment of all. This grand meal for such a huge family was largely made possible by the generosity of many local donors of food and delicacies. Medals commemorating the day were also distributed to the children.
An interesting event was the baby show held in the Church Room for which there were over 30 entries. The judges were a lady doctor, Mrs. E. A. Davies (Paunceford Court) and Mrs. Blandford, Huntleys, Much Marcle. The attractive prizes were given by a number of manu-facturers of Baby foods and also by local firms including Mr. F. L. Born, Boot's Ltd. and Alex Robb and Co. Ltd. The prizes were presented by Mrs. Hiscox as follows - Champion baby, Peter Holder. who with his twin won the twin's class and Peter also won the class for under six months old. Christine Stephens was second. The class for 6-12 months old was won by Gilian R. Davies with Paul Anthony Webber second. Other winners were Roger Underhill and Rosemary Eaton. Baby with sweetest smile, Victor John Taylor; bluest eyes, June Patricia Wilkins; curliest hair, Shirley Turner.
The Victory Carnival Queen and her attendants visited the show and were welcomed by the audience, being introduced by Mr. T. M. Ryan. In the evening a popular dance was held in the Drill Hall.
On Whit-Sunday evening a special service of thanksgiving was held at the Parish Church which was attended by representative bodies and a large congregation which almost filled the entire church. The parade assembled in the Southend headed by members of the British Legion with their Standard, Air Training Corps, St. John. Ambulance Brigade. Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment, Women's Voluntary Services, Girl Guides and Rangers with their Colours, and the Youth Club. The Chairman of the Urban Council (Mr. W. A. Maddox) and several councillors were also present. It was an inspiring service commencing with the National Anthem and "Now thank we all our God." The special prayers included remembrance of the fallen and bereaved and thanksgiving for victory. The Rector (Preb. W. G. Moeran) preached an appropriate sermon in the course of which he ex-pressed satisfaction that the Celebrations Committee of their own accord had asked for that special service and although he lad heard it said that victory celebrations were out of place under present conditions he fully agreed that thanksgiving at this time was entirely right and proper. The service concluded with a procession and the blessing. Mr. H .C. Hooper at the organ, played appropriate music before and after the service.
A variety concert organised by Mr. and Mrs. Simm on behalf the Celebrations Committee, held at the Drill Hall on Monday evening, proved a great success. Admission was free and a silver collection was made to defray the expenses. Local artistes taking part kept the large audience interested throughout and everyone obviously enjoyed the show. Com pered by Leslie Edwards and Eric Williams, with George Bosley and Gilbert Griffiths at the piano, the programme included an accordion solo by Percy Goodchap, songs by Barbara Hooper, Violet Higginbotham and Danny McCoshan, tap dancing by Cynthia Preece violin solos by John Suddes, the popular saw solo by C. Warner, duets by Betty Simm and Danny McCoshan, a first-rate magical act by the inimitable Eric Williams with Leslie Edwards, "Lady Godiva," an amusing duologue by Betty and Phil Simm, and a humorous turn by Pol.-Cons. Rees.
An unusual and very attractive feature of the show was a dress display of ladies' fashions including evening gowns, beach suits, period dresses and a very effective wedding scene in which nearly a score of young ladies appeared in various bridal attires. The audience applauded heartily as each performer walked on to the stage showing her style to mus-cal accompaniment. It was something Ledbury had perhaps never witnessed before and was effectively staged and carried through with much credit to the young ladies concerned. The dresses were extraordinarily beautiful and bouquets of flowers, carried by some of the performers, to match their dresses, added to the beauty of the scene. The climax was reached when the Victory Carnival Queen appeared in her robes and wearing her crown with her two attendants.
Those taking part in the dress parade which was organised by Mrs. Simm, were Barbara Hooper, Rose Osborne, Deidre Bailey, Eileen Price, Joan Banks, Betty Simm, Cynthia Preece, Violet Higginbotham, Peggy Shakesheff, Margery Pitt, Stella Heaton, Doreen Wetson, Myrtle Drinkwater, Heather Mercer, Winifred Moyle and Pippin Finnigan, with the 'Carnival Victory Queen and her two attendants.
At this moment Mr. W. G. Warren, Chairman of the Celebrations Committee, addressed "Her Majesty" and congratulated her and her attendants on the admirable manner in which they had carried out their duties. He referred to the part Ledbury had played during the war years and of the sacrifices made by Ledbury men and women which would never be forgotten. Finally on behalf of the committee he made a presentation to the "Queen" and her attendants amidst applause and the "Queen" made a graceful reply.
At the conclusion the players and audience joined together in singing "Auld Lang Syne" and cheers were given for Mr. and Mrs. Simm for the strenuous efforts they had made in organising this highly successful and interesting event, and for all who cooperated and helped in their various ways.
The Celebrations Committee were Mr. W. G. Warren (Chairman), Mr. H. J. Chapman (hon. treasurer), Mr. F. Hawcutt (hon. secretary), Miss C. Morris, Mrs. May, Mrs. Cater, Messrs. H. J. Bryon, W. A. Maddox, F. Shinn. P. C. Simm and T. M. Ryan with street parties representatives.
Sources |
Photographs are credited to the owners where possible |
Comments are from members of the Old Ledbury Facebook Group |
Cuttings are from Old Ledbury Reporter Newspapers |