A Retrospect
June 21 the Queen's Diamond Jubilee was celebrated with much rejoicing in Ledbury. The Volunteers fired a fue de joie on Dog Hill, at 8 am; at 11 there was a procession of all the public bodies in the town, accompanied by all the school children, being headed by the Worcester Excelsior Band. At the Market Place the National Anthem was sung, and the children sang "God bless the Prince of Wales" After cheers had been given for the Queen the procession wended its way to the Pound Meadow where a long programme of athletic Sports was carried out. At one o’clock there was a dinner of hot roast beef, vegetables and plum puddings for old folks over 60, in the Mission Hall, and all the children sat down to tea in the afternoon around tables erected in High street. In the evening there was a monster bonfire on Bradlow Knoll. All the streets were gaily decorated, and prizes were given for the best three, viz.: The Capital and Counties, 30/-; D & M. BADCOCK, 20/-: Messrs. MAYO & Co., 10/-.
August 9 Coronation of King Edward VII. (postponed from June 24th on account of the serious illness of His Majesty). Town decorated and illuminated; service at the Parish Church; dinner for the aged at the various Hotels and Restaurants; tea for the School Children, and medals and mugs presented to them; sports in the Football Field; bonfire on Dog Hill.
Date Unknown - Green Lane leading to the Paddock |
![[Ledbury Dog Hill Wood]](../pics/dw2.jpg) |
( Debbie WOLFE Collection DW2 ) |
![[Ledbury Dog Hill Wood]](../pics/cp81.jpg) |
( Chris PONTER Collection CP81 ) |
Used to love running down there full pelt - remember the helter skelter bit, such fun
Always amazes me how those trees on the left cling to the bank without falling over
We called it the Curly Wurly. I used to meet Ike Madders up here regularly when I was a kid taking my dog for a walk. He used to say 'A walk up Dog Hill clears the mind of the daily grind'
Yes I remember him a real gentleman and knew a lot about history of Ledbury
I remember the helter skelter. Happy days!!!!
Spent many a day up Dog Hill used to meet up with other mums and take a picnic up there, we would sit in paddock most of the day whilst the kids ran wild, right by that spot. Also we did the same as kids as our parents took us for walks through woods most sundays rain or shine, still refer to it as curly wurly today, more happy memories lovely photo
Had a lot of fun up there as kids
Eerie place when it is getting dark quickly in winter months, us kids always stepped out a lot quicker going home. We brave boys used to send my sister in front of us for scouting duties!! Never figured out why Lyn stopped going up the woods ......11 or 12 is well old enough for patrol duties, after an afternoon playing Tarzan and soldiers, hide and seek, etc
Quite a few other games after dark too
Have started to take my little boy up here. he loves climbing amongst the roots!
I can remember coming down here very fast on an old fertiliser bag one snowy winter
Me and brother were playing one sat morning the sun was shining me and him taking turns swinging on the vines and the sounds of cracking and then a twang the vine broke and also my arm - good old happy days haha before the vine snapped
I remember Ike Madders bless him what a great Ledburian, always doffed his trilby when he met you ... a true Gent with a great sense of humour
Date Unknown - Bridget HICKEY walking through the Dog Hill Wood |
![[Ledbury Dog Hill Wood]](../pics/doghillwood1.jpg) |
( Pat HICKEY Collection ) |
( 2013 )
Chris Ponter - was in the same year as Bridget at school Pat. Dog Hill looked so much better back then when it was left to its own devices. Was along here today
Pat Hickey - I haven't been up there probably since 1988 - seems like only yesterday.