All Newspaper Cuttings have been taken from old Ledbury Reporter newspapers, photos are credited to the owners and comments are from members of old ledbury group on Facebook |
1957 |
16th October 1957 - A tender of 95 thousand 715 pounds was accepted by Herefordshire Education Committee for the erection of the County Secondary school at Mabel's Furlong, Ledbury |
Source - Tilleys Almanack 1958 |
School Buildings and Playground |
1961 |
To date we have no photos of the school building |
1964 |
The Swimming Pool |
Written by Christine HODGES Upper V |
When I came to this school, lots of people were talking about the swimming-pool and how soon it would be available for swimming. Since then many things have happened. |
The builders had already dug part of the foundations for us before the school was opened to pupils. |
Sometime later in 1961 older boys of the school went to dig the shape of the pool, the right depth, width and length. They only took a few days and there was the swimming pool in the shape of an 'L' which I suppose stands for Ledbury, but is rather an awkward shape. |
To build this swimming pool the school needed money and had to raise it by ourselves. We did this by having Jumble Sales and Fetes. The garden fetes were very interesting and popular and half of Ledbury turned up at the. We made plenty of money, but not quite enough. We were also given a large contribution by the Wye Valley Guild and other contributions from local tradespeople. |
After being dug, the swimming pool needed cementing. This was also done by the boys, with a man of the trade showing them how to do it. Some of the men teachers also helped. This did not take them very long and I think they all enjoyed doing it. |
These processes did not happen consecutively because of the bad weather, especially the winter of 1963. Everything was snowed up until March, so progress was impossible. |
Last year the filtration plant shed was put up and the plant installed by an expert. The shed was a pre-fabricated one, so it was up in no time. |
The swimming pool was then filled with water during the Autumn term and help of the school were able to have a swim during P.E. lessonse. The pool was emptied at the end of term to be cleaned. |
This term the surrounds to the pool have been paved, and the pool itself painted. The completed pool was officially opened by Major JUCKES, Chairman of Ledbury Urban District Council at the Summer Fete on 20th June |
With some of the proceeds from this years fete a vacuum cleaner and chlorination plant are being purchased. These will see the completion of this project. |
![[Ledbury County Secondary School Swimming Pool]](./pics/secondary/LCSmag55b.jpg) |
Small sketch of the pool |
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School Houses |
On starting school pupils became members of a school house |
Gloucester - Blue |
Hereford - Green |
Monmouth - Red |
Worcester - Yellow |
Hereford House Captains Badge |
![[Ledbury County Secondary School House Captain Badge]](./pics/secondary/je46.jpg) |
Photo Joanne EDGE Collection JE46 |
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Prefects Badge |
![[Ledbury County Secondary School Prefects Badge]](./pics/secondary/je47.jpg) |
Photo Joanne EDGE Collection JE47 |
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Blazer Badge. |
![[County Secondary School Blazer Badge]](./pics/secondary/je45.jpg) |
Photo Joanne EDGE Collection JE45 |
1978 October |
![[County Secondary School 1978]](./pics/secondary/rm1.jpg) |
Friday 6th October 1978 Official opening of John Masefield High School |
Photo Ruth MORGAN Collection RM1 |
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