Never ventured down the deep end! great fun place old tyre inners for swimming in do you remember there was double doors leading onto the road up some steps by shallow end? never saw them open dont know why they were there? we all used to go down the walkway to get in
We always went through the gates by the road at the shallow end. I suppose the big queues at the road was a safety hazard, so it was moved around the side.. |
I was one of those fools diving off the cubicle roof, remember someone DAVIS not making it and scrapping all down his front he soon jumped out when the clorine got into the grazes |
Remember a Mr LEWIS taking money & letting us in |
Mr DANIELS had something to do with it im sure |
Was it Harry OWEN |
Albert BADHAM took the money sometimes aswell |
Don't forget Mr WEBB |
Len LEWIS lived in Queens Way. Nicknamed Ticker. |
I remember Harry OWEN there sat in his chair dozing off. Dont think he could wait to blow his whistle so we would all have to go home |
Where I learnt to swim ! |
I learnt to swim here, red badge for a width, green for a length, Yellow badge for lengths with some backstroke I think, I can't remember all the badges. I remember Tina WILLIAMS was a good swimmer!! |
Talking about good swimmers, Dave TOOBY the Tarzan of Ledbury used to get in and seemed to swim lengths non stop until it was time to get out |
I remember walking to this swimming pool from the Grammar school, by the time we got changed, in the freezing water, got breath back, it was time to get out and walk back!! |
Remember being so ill one day at the pool,what did they put in the water!!!!!Sally and Joe had to help me across the fields home |
That was probably Chlorine, which was used to kill off germs, they must have let you in before it had settled, I remember it used to smell awful for ages |
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![[Photo Brian HAINES Collection BH27] [Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/bh27.jpg) |
Robert ( Sticky ) DAVIES, Jennifer MAY |
Where is Mr OWEN? |
Do you mean Mr WEBB. Whose catch phrase when he threw anyone out was "And don`t come no more"... |
They say the pool now is cold! should have tried that one the way it was it would have given health and safety a field day yet i always loved it as did many others and we survived! |
The best time to go for a swim was when it was raining the water strangely got warmer !!... |
Was Len LEWIS one of the men who worked the "plant-room" ?... |
Len used to work there from time to time. We used to call him ticker..... |
Used to see him always pushing his bike and he used to go up by the old AA box where you turn off for Eastnor to do something with the water!.. |
Yes he had to monitor the flow and make sure everyting was ok. Len was always going somewhere on that bike.... |
Didnt he also used to look after the clock?... |
That pool looked really big when you were a kid, it looks quite small on the photo, great days those... |
Had some happy times there but the water was bloody cold though... |
Cold and windy but learnt to swim there....i think it was Mr McKENSIE who took us ...yes 99% sure. Filled in now i hear ... |
Bit more than filled in house on it now !!... |
My Dad called Mr LEWIS "Ticker" cos he looked after the clock, don't know if that was his nickname... |
I liked old Bob WEBB, lived next door to me. I remember Dusty DAVIES calling him when we were all waiting outside for him to open up. "The Webster" in a sing song way.... |
It was a long walk from school for swimming lessons and always very cold water... |
I remember dad had a cine film. Yeah I remember Mr OWEN with his whistle! Summer's seemed so much better, warmer and longer back then.... |
I loved that pool!... |
I wanted to live in the house next to the pool.... |
Best to go when it was raining - water didn't feel as cold then.... |
I have memories of that pool. Must have been quite young as I was about 8 when the new pool was opened.... |
The old wooden huts, the freezing water, the rough concrete, oh great fun though... |
Yeh, spent many hours shivering there and peeking through the knotholes... |
There was a springboard with NO spring in it... |
And some of the Costumes used to go all Transparent when they got wet... |
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![[Photo Brian HAINES Collection BH42] [Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/bh42.jpg) |
Robert ( Sticky ) DAVIES, going for a perfect ten |
Nice shot of the rear of the wooden bungalow!... |
Yes all gone now... |
We used to lean up against that fence as the sun in the afternoon warmed it, you could always smell the creosote!!... |
Mmmm creosote..... |
Water looks a bit choppy... |
I still love the smell of creosote, it brings back memories... |
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Early 1970s |
![[Photo Laura JONES ( Cole ) Collection LJ45] [Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/lj45.jpg) |
The much loved Ledbury swimming baths - where I learnt to swim, next to me is my sister Debbie COLE ( Betambeau ) |
I doubt there are many photos of it, what amazed me is this was a little kodak instamatic camera, yet dad seemed to take great slides and photos... |
John BADHAM & his family lived in the bungalow, such good memories of the old baths really does seem like yesterday
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Had my first swimming lessons here... |
I went to Bosbury School and we used to come here by bus every Friday afternoon for our swimming lesson and I got my red badge on my last day at primary school....used to take me half the lesson to get the courage to jump in....wimp!!
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God we had some fun in that pool even though the water was freezing... |
I remember great days at the pool being pestured by Carole and her gang... |
I doubt though it would be allowed today, but by comparison the ledbury pool now is luxurious! great days though we all had such fun
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Remember this pool well, the water was freezing but it didn't stop us. No life guards or health and safety those days
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I dont remember the water being that blue tho... |
Puts the shivers right through me now bab, looking at our local puddle / pool way back in the 60s. Good God we were a very hardy bunch in them days... |
Thats not how i remember it, the water was black and had leaves and twigs floating on it, scarred for life.... |
Wow, I spent many an hour in this pool and then walked home a rather nice shade of blue.....brrrrr. Should have used it for ice skating lol... |
Purple more like it was that cold. It looks blue because the pool was painted blue, this was just after it reopened for summer. I think it opened around easter time... |
Gosh !! that brings back so many memories!!... |
I went to this pool. Mr UNDERWOOD used to pull us along on a long pole which had a strap attached. I was so scared. Can anyone else remember this? This must have been late 40s 50s, Hate the cold now so why can' t I remember how cold it was then?... |
I remember a Mr LEWIS, can recall a long pole with im sure it was a wooden ring attached to it used to pull us along... |
I loved that pool and used to pretend not to hear the whistle when it was time to come out!!
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Cant remember how you paid?... |
I know this may sound stupid! I remember the old wooden changing huts, but can anyone remember, did we just leave our things in there until we had finished, just can't remember!
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Yes they were left in there, someone you knew would come & say which is your cubicle can I share with you, before you knew it you were sharing with a dozen people, clothes always landed up on floor all wet did we mind ? no it was fun
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You paid as you went in and were usually given a ticket off a roll... |
Remember paying 6pence or to us a tanner!!!... |
Thats right, yes, you didnt care if a stranger or not, nothing went missing but your clothes often ended up soaking wet on the floor!... |
Sunday morning swims if and when it was open. Best to go when it was raining 'cos the water didn't feel as cold. Cools me down just looking at this one. They were good times. If you went in the evening and could scrounge another 'tanner' you could buy chips on the way home and eat them out of the paper (by making small hole in side of packet) - who needs Mackie D's!
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Don't forget the scrumps!!!!... |
I can remember when we used to walk there from school. I always tried to get a note from my Mum or Dad to be excused the swimming lesson!!!... |
A tanners worth of chips with scrumps out of the newspaper went down well after our trip to the pool yum... |
Yes, the scrumps - and how disappointing when they hadn't got any!... |
I remember buying 'sour apple' sweets from the garage which was almost next door... |
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1973 |
![[Photo Sally MUSTAFIC ( LAWRENCE ) Collection SM15] [The walk to Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/sm15.jpg) |
The track across the fields from Long Acres / Margaret Road to the Swimming Baths on the Hereford Road |
Brilliant !!!! Walked along there a few times I remember how hot it was in the summer back then as well , always seemed miles... |
Lovely Pics, walked down that path many times on the way to the pool... |
Loved the walk through these fields to the pool,especially when there was wheat/corn in there... |
I used to play in these fields when I was a kid. From my bedroom window in Barnett Ave I could see a bit of the viaduct back in those days ! Never imagined the area would be covered in houses all the way to the Hereford Road.... |
How many of us have cut across here on the way to "Sandy Bay"... |
Great photo. I've never seen photos of this area of Ledbury before it was built on... |
"Sandy Bay" still surviving its a bit dry now though. They should never have been allowed to change the course of the brook.... |
Sandy Bay, you could go via what we called Barnetts Meadow... |
The meadow was also a favourite in winter, it was on a hill and the downhill slope towards the viaduct side when covered in snow was great for Sledging... |
Within 5 minutes you could be miles away from anywhere Dog Hill / The Frith / The Conigree / Down by the brook what a lovely town to grow up in the 50s/60s/70s lovely back then... |
Yeh up by the Frith and all those springy Gorse bushes that didnt have thorns on them, run up, throw yourself in and the bush would throw you back out,hours of harmless fun... |
Love this picture. This picture is "Old Ledbury" Thanks for posting it Sali... |
Fantastic to share these memories with fellow Old Ledburians... |
We all used to play in the cave up the old quarry id love to see it again but its private property nowW.. |
Mum Audrey EDGE remembers walking with Mr WALTERS over the fields to his small holding which he had next to the swimmimg baths... |
My mum walked to the Orchard [it was called] every morning when I was a child to feed the chickens. Dad used to sell his runner beans to people... |
We were so lucky to have the freedom that we had then... |
The foot path runs adjacent to the old railway line there still is a path on the original line it ran on Tarmac now starts in primary school carpark used to be a gate or style there... |
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![[Photo Sally MUSTAFIC ( LAWRENCE ) Collection SM14] [Views on the walk to Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/sm14.jpg) |
The view from the track across the fields from Long Acres / Margaret Road to the Swimming Baths on the Hereford Road |
![[Photo Sally MUSTAFIC ( LAWRENCE ) Collection SM16] [Views on the walk to Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/sm16.jpg) |
The view from the track across the fields from Long Acres / Margaret Road towards Hill House Farm, Ross Road |
![[Photo Sally MUSTAFIC ( LAWRENCE ) Collection SM13] [Views on the walk to Ledbury Swimming Baths]](../pics/sm13.jpg) |
The view from the track across the fields from Long Acres / Margaret Road towards Hill House Farm, Ross Road |
Sources |
1914 Kington / Newent Reporter Newspaper - Herefordshire History |
1914 - 1919 Ledbury Guardian Newspaper - Herefordshire History |
1916 Tilley's Almanack |
Photographs are credited to the owners |
Comments are from members of the Old Ledbury Facebook Group |
Cuttings from Ledbury Reporter newspapers |