Date unknown |
![[Ledbury Parish Church]](lj53.jpg) |
( Laura JONES ( Cole ) Collection ) |
A Retrospect
March 29 Bishop of Hereford held a con?rmation at Ledbury Church.
April 9 At Easter vestry meeting, the churchwardens, Messrs. E. MADDISON and G. BENNETT, were re-elected.
August 16 The anniversary services of the re-opening of Ledbury Church were held, when the preacher was the Very Rev. the Dean of Worcester.
September 27 Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in Ledbury Church (which was most prettily decorated). The collection, for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution and the Hereford Diocesan Choral Union, amounted to �12 5s.
October 29 In THE evening Mr. Tom WOODWARD gave the ?rst of his organ recitals for the season in the Parish Church.
November 25 Mrs. W. RUSSELL, of the Woodlands, died at the age of 57 years. By her will the deceased made several muni?cent bequests to Ledbury, including �5000 for a middle class boys school to he established in Ledbury; �500 for a memorial window and otherwise in Ledbury Church; �150 to the Ledbury Cottage Hospital; and �100 to the Ledbury Reading Room, Besides these gifts it will be remembered that she presented the four-dial clock to the Barrett Browning Memorial Clock Tower, and also the Clock at the Post Of?ce.
February 21 an appeal for help was made. morning and evening, in Ledbry Church, on behalf of the Indian Famine Relief Fund, the collections amounting to �15 13s.7d.
March 11 the Bishop of Hereford addressed a large meeting (under the auspices of the Church of England Temperance Society), in the Royal Hall, when an adult branch of the society was formed.
April 22 in the evening, a performance of �The Messiah " was given in the Parish Church.
July 28 the Rector and Churchwardens invited all the Church workers to join in a trip to the British Camp.
August 15 the Anniversary Festival of the dedication of the Parish Church was held.
September 19 the Harvest Festival was held in Ledbury Church. Offertories, �17 9s. 6d.
November 4 Mr. J. HARTREE, of Hereford, lectured on �The Architecture of Ledbury Church," in St. Catherine�s Chapel.
January 28 It was decided to present the Rector of Ledbury with a piece of plate, in recognition of his efforts towards the successful restoration of the arish Church.
February 28 By the end of the month the stained glass window to the memory of the late Mr. E. J. WEBB, J.P., in the south aisle of Ledbury Church, had been completed, and subsequently a brass plate was placed on the wall near the Vestry door, stating that Messrs. WOOD Bros. had restored the Church bells.
March 14 Mr. Edward MADDISON, manager of the National Provincial Bank, who was a prominent Freemason and was Churchwarden of Ledbury Church for 17 years, died at the age of 57 years.
April 14 The Easter Vestry meeting was held, when Mr. S H. BICKHAM was re-elected Churchwarden, and Mr. C. H. BASTOW was appointed in the place of the late Mr. Edward MADDISON.
April 14 The Vestry Meeting which was adjourned in the morning was resumed in the Mission Hall, for the purpose of publicly presenting the Rector (Rev. Preb. MADDISON GREEN) with a silver salver and an elegant album, containing the names of the subscribers, as a recognition of his services in the successful restoration of the Parish Church.
April 27 The Ledbury Churchwardens and Sidesmen dined together at the Feathers Hotel.
July 1 The Rev. G. SWIFT entered upon his duties as Curate of Ledbury.
July 10 During the ensuing week a handsome stained glass Window was placed in one of the windows in St. Anne�s Chapel in Ledbury Church, in memory of the late Mrs. PALAIRET. The SAUNDERS� �Faith, Hope and Charity� memorial window was removed from over St. Anne�s Altar to near the Vestry door, and the memorial window to the late Mr. W. RUSSELL, Woodlands, was put in its place.
July 10 The Ledbury Volunteers held a Church Parade.
October 2 Ledbury Church Harvest Festival was held.
December 21 (St. Thomas� Day) The Ledbury parochial charities were distributed by the Rector and Churchwardens.
May 31 Rev. C B. CALDICOTT succeeded Rev. G. SWIFT as Curate of Ledbury.
April 19 Messrs. S. H. BICKHAM and C. H. ASTOW re-elected Churchwardens at Vestry Meeting.
August 26 Volunteer Church Parade at Ledbury Church.
September 23 New Oak Doors had been placed at the West End of Ledbury Church by this date, by Miss Sarah Martha SEXTY, in loving memory of parents and friends.
September 30 Harvest Festival at the Parish Church.
February 2 Funeral of Queen Victoria; day of mourning; muffled peals; business suspended; procession of the town�s societies to the Parish Church. Funeral Services at the various Chapels.
April 11 Vestry Meeting at the Ledbury Church. A large de?cit in the Church Expenses account. At the adjourned Meeting, Mr. H. M, WILSON, M.F.H., sent a cheque to wipe off the adverse balance. Messrs. S. H. BICKHAM and C. H. BASTOW re-elected Churchwardens.
April 13 Mr. BICKHAM presented altar rails to St. Anne�s Chapel, at the Parish Church, and several parishioners gave other handsome gifts.
May 3 At a Meeting of Sbscribers it was resolved to erect a Queen Victoria Memorial Window in Ledbury Church.
June 23 The Karl Johannessen String Quartette at Ledbury Church, in aid of the Organ Fund; collection, �12 11s. 7d.
September 19 Fall of the large elm tree overhanging Ledbury waterfall. The iron railings round grave stones damaged, but the Church untouched.
September 21 Presentation to Miss DINGLEY as a Churchworker on her leaving Ledbury.
September 29 Harvest Festival at Ledbury Church; Sermons by the Rev Aubrey R. AITKEN; collections �17 11S. 4d��5 5S. 0d. for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution and the remainder to the Cottage Hospital.
February 2 Dedications of the Queen Victoria Memorial Window in Ledbury Church.
April 3 Vestry Meeting at the Parish Church.
June 8 Peace Thanksgiving Sunday: Special Service in the Parish Church, attended by Military, Friendly Societies, Councils, &c.
June 12 Choral Festival at Ledbury Church.
June 26 New Service Books presented by ?ve anonymous Donors to Ledbury Church.
July 30 Church Plate Exhibition at Ledbury.
August 9 Coronation of King Edward VII. (postponed from June 24th on account of the serious illness of His Majesty). Town decorated and illuminated; service at the Parish Church; dinner for the aged at the various Hotels and Restaurants; tea for the School Children, and medals and mugs presented to them; sports in the Football Field; bonfire on Dog Hill.
October 5 Harvest Festival at Ledbury Church: Preachers - Morning, Rev. L. B. BUBB, Rector of Coln S, Denys; Evening, Rev. G. M. CUSTANCE, Rector of Colwall; Collections, £22 15s. 8d.
October 23 Triennial Musical Festival at Ledbury Church: " The Last Judgment " and " Zadok the Priest "; collection £18.
November 22 Rev. Prebendary AYSCOUGH, Rector of Cradley, commenced his special Advent addresses in Ledbury Church.
1914 - 1918 World War One Ledbury Guardian Newspaper Articles |
1916 - Rev F W CARNEGY, ( Rector ), ( Locum Tenens, Rev C BLACK, The Rectory ). Rev O F R STRICKLAND ( Curate ), Mr Spencer H BICKHAM and Mr W N POWELL ( Churchwardens ) Mr W Raine ( Organist ) |
Mr H G HUNT, The Cloisters, ( Parish Clerk ), Ledbury church room, in the Cattle Market Road |
The Ledbury Parish Magazine issued on the 1st day of each month, containing all parish Notices, news etc. Annual Subscription 1/- Published by Luke Tilley and Son |
1941 - Rev. Arthur J WINNINGTON-INGRAM, ( Rector ), The Rectory. Rev. William N TAVERNOR ( Curate ) |
1958 - Rev Prebendary W Graham MOERAM, ( Rector ), The Rectory. Rev R R KIMBELL ( Assistant Curate ), Major R L C SUMNER and Mr A L CHAPMAN ( Churchwardens ) Mr H C HOOPER ( Organist ), Mr F TOVEY ( Verger ) |
Mr H G HUNT, The Cloisters, ( Parish Clerk ), Ledbury Church Room, in the Cattle Market Road |