Pre 1884
A lovely picture taken from the book "A Glimpse of Old Ledbury" by David Postle, shows the site pre August 1884. The corner property was acquired by Mr C W Stephens, it consisted of 2 shops, stables and a tan yard.
Post 1895
The Temperance Hotel. - On the frontage of The Temperance there is a brick panel to the second and third floors set back from the other bricks and I'm thinking that underneath the blank panel is an alleyway.
Photo Roger BAKER Collection ROB23
1936 - The beginnings of F W Woolworths
Photos Roger BAKER Collection ROB24-27
What brilliant photographs...MH
What great photos you've struck gold, just amazing..CP
Great photos !!!!...RS
I'm amazed someone actually has these...Jb
I love to see them but it upsets me to see how much of our beautiful town has been destroyed...SJ
Wait until I show some of the devastation photos of Church Street!...RB
Fantastic photos!...SN
Never did I think I would see photos like these Roger, brilliant...JJ
You can see Foley House clearly through the gap. I wonder when they knocked down the building to the right to make way for where One Stop is now...CP
All for an ugly square box !!!!...RD
June 1937
This must have been taken very close to the opening day.
Can just see a push bike and a horse and cart.
Photo Beryl SMITH ( Nursey ) Collection BSN6
July 1937
Miss CORBETT first opened the store in July>
Visit of Queen Mary to Ledbury...
Photo Roger BAKER Collection ROB29
![[Cutting Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE10]](
Back Row - Betty NURSEY ( Mansell ), Tessie NOOT, unknown, unknown, unknown, Gladys GOUGH ( Pearce ), Kath EVANS, unknown, Marion DONE ( Davenport ), unknown
Front Row - unknown, Miss CORBETT?, unknown, unknown, unknown
Possibly by the back door, Bett NURSEY ( Mansell ) on the left
Written on back of photo is The Daynes Woolworths Stores
Photo Beryl SMITH ( Nursey ) Collection BSN7
On the roof
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE15
Manageress and Supervisor
Miss CORBETT, Manageress, and Mrs MORGAN, Supervisor
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE16
Caroline Blandford This is great photo of my gran dolly Morgan - she always looked the same - never seamed to age!!...CB
That's how I remember her too. Fond memories...MB
Service Card
Health & Happiness and service card Mr & Mrs EVANS ( Davies )
Signed by the director and Miss PALMER Store Manager
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE17
Pre 1946
![[Photograph Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE7]](
Back Row - Rene PEARCE, Mrs MORGAN ( Eastnor ), Betty MANSELL, unknown, Janet BALDWIN, ( Bromsberrow ), Ivy BOUTCHER, Mrs BEDDOWES, unknown,( from Oatleys Crescent )Miss WEBB
Front Row - Kath EVANS, Gladys GOUGH, Miss CORBETT, unknown, Tressie NOOT
Back Row - Audrey SPURDELL, Diana SANSOM , Ada MAYO ( Onions ), Audrey DAVIS ( Edge ), Margaret LANE?, Joyce BREWER ( Eastnor ) ?, Margaret BROWN
Middle Row - Marjorie SHARPE NEAL, Joan WILLIAMS ( Hyde ), Elsie LANE, Bett MANSELL ( Nursey ), Molly MORGAN, Mabel BULLOCK, Nora SPURDELL
Front Row - Edie WEBB, Joyce DAVIES, Miss CORBETT, Betty ROBINSON?, Dolly MORGAN
Photo Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE8
Ada ONIONS ( Mayo ) and Audrey EDGE ( Davis )on the roof
Photo Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE9
Back Row - uk, Margaret BROWN, Dorothy MAY, Grace JONES, Mary OWEN ( Gladwin ), Grace LEWIS?
Middle Row - uk, Ruby DANIELS, Marg NEALE, Ruth PITT, uk, uk, Mrs LANE ( Eastnor)?, uk, Miss BULLOCK
Front Row - Ada ONIONS ( Mayo ), uk, Miss CORBETT, Dolly MORGAN, Molly MORGAN ( Cox )
Photo Brian JONES Collection Album 2 BJ30
Hey great photo that's my mum Molly MORGAN and my gran Dolly MORGAN bottom right. Mum & gran spoke all the names mentioned they were all great friends. I had never seen this photo but have seen many more of the woolworth years. Thanks got the post...CB
Coronation Float
Possibly Barbara TURNER, Toby BENNETT
Photo Dorothy BENNION Collection DOB1
Christmas Party
They were held in the staff room above the shop. The access was via an iron spiral staircase which was to the right of the front door.
Back Row - 1st Heather CALE, 3rd David EVANS, 5th Derek GARDNER
Middle Row - I'm the one looking up to the ceiling! Typical. Janet SHARPE-NEALE on the end
Front Row - uk, uk, Jane WALTERS, Doreen WALTERS, Susan BEDDOWS
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE12
Second from Left Standing Janet BALDWIN, 3rd Molly MORGAN, 9th Dolly MORGAN, 12th Mrs EVANS.
Front Row 4th from left Toby BENNETT
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE13
Christmas Party
Left - Derek GARDNER?, Dave EVANS, Miss CORBETT, Father Christmas.
Photo Margaret BROOKE ( Evans ) Collection MBE14
Cup Winners
Back Row - Joyce CALE, Rosemary PRICE, Pat NEALE, Hilda NEALE, Kathleen WATERS, Marion LOADER, Sheila POTTER
Middle Row - Colin DAVIES, Nellie GARDINER, Mabel BULLOCK, Sylvia POWELL ( bubbles ), Janet BALDWIN, Molly MORGAN, Kath EVANS, Mary POSTINS, Marge NEALE
Front Row - Beryl WALTERS, Toby BENNETT, Miss CORBETT, Dolly MORGAN, Margaret BROWN
Photo Mike PAUL Collection MP12 originally Miss CORBETT's
Is this woolies as in Woolworths? if so why did they wear those nurse like hats ? Sorry to ask but before my time x...ZC
The ones in a white overall and "nurses Caps" served on the Ice Cream, Sweets, Buiscuits and Groceries. Yes in those days, there wasn't much Woolworths didn't sell. The other colours were red (back row plus Mabel BULLOCK and my Mum middle row. The extreme left and right of middle row (Mrs SHARPE-NEALE) wore brown - they worked in the stock room...MB
Front row left Beryl WALTERS, Toby BENNETT were office Staff, Miss CORBETT Manager in the centre, Molly MORGAN and Margaret BROWN were supervisors and wore Blue...MB
Do you know why the lady in the middle is holding a trophy cup?...CE
Sorry not sure why they were given the cup, but I know they took the photograph on the roof...MB
Hadn't realised they were on the roof, but can see that now you've mentioned it. Good job it was a flat roof! ...CE,br>
Anybody remember the broken biscuits sold in Woolworths?...SN
Woolworths best sellers!...MB
The ladies in white with hats on curious what did they do in woolies? they look like people who would work in a food area...LJ
Yes Laura, that is exactly what they did. Woolworths sold everything back in the day...MB
Could do with a woolworths today!...LJ
Girls on the roof for the Royal Visit in April
Mrs MORGAN window on the left and Mrs SHARPE NEALE in the right window
Miss CORBETT, Beryl WALTERS, Toby BENNETT, Dorothy MAY?, uk, uk, Di SHIRVINGTON, uk, Ann MORRIS, uk, uk, Margaret BROWN, Molly COX, uk
Photo Brenda HILL ( Davis ) Collection BRH97
My mum Molly COX and my gran Dolly MORGAN - great picture not seen this one before - mum never spoke about the royal visit - but they would have had a great viewing spot from up there!!...CB
Miss K M CORBETT Retirement Party
Back row along the wall - uk, uk, Roy BENNETT, Toby BENNETT, uk, uk, uk, uk, uk, uk,uk, uk, uk, uk
1st table closest - David BAYLEY, Audrey EDGE ( Davis ). Isobel GRIFFITHS, uk, uk, Charlie GRIFFITHS, Kath BRACE ( Davis ), Sylv ( Bubbles ) BAYLEY, Fred BRADLEY
2nd table - Dolly MORGAN, Philip COX, uk, Marge NEALE, Mr EVANS, Molly COX ( Morgan ), Margaret BROWN
3rd table - uk, uk, Diane SHIRVINGTON, Dorothy MAY, uk
4th table in distance - uk, uk, uk
Photo Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE15
Post 1962
Standing - Freda CROKEY ( DAVIS ), Margaret NELSON, Connie HODGES, Audrey EDGE, Shirley DAVIES, Nippy DAVIES, Pauline DAVID, Carlolyn POWELL, Sylv RICHARDSON, Mona DAVIS, Margaret BULLOCK, Joan PHILLIPS, Trevor JONES, Maralyn SMITH, Marlene PREEDY
Seated - Val HOWLEY, Margaret BROWN, Mr WRIGHT ( manager ), daughter, Mrs WRIGHT, Dolly MORGAN, Ann EASTERBROOK
Photo Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE14
Audrey EDGE, Shirley DAVIES, Nippy DAVIES, Pauline DAVID, Carlolyn POWELL
Photo Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE17
Back Row - Nippy & Shirley DAVIES , Maralyn SMITH, Mrs LOAD, Sylvia GWYNNE
Middle Row - Doris GUNTER, Connie HODGES, Chris HILL, Marlene PREEDY, Trevor JONES, Pauline DAVID, Barbara HALE
Front Row - Pauline RICHARDSON, Margaret BROWN, Freda CROKEY, Manager, Anne EASTERBROOK, Val HOWLEY
Cutting Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE11
Back Row - Iris LOADE, May WORRALL, Pat DAVIES, Chris MORRIS, Jenifer DAVIES
Midle Row - Nippy DAVIES, Connie HODGES, Beryl NURSEY, Shirley DAVIES, Veronica BAKER
Front Row - Pauline DAVID, Margaret BROWN, Mr LYNCH ( Manager ), Anne EASTERBROOKE, Val HOWLEY
Photo Mike HILL Collection MH21
Photo Mike HILL Collection MH22
Iris and Frank LOAD, Nippy, Shirley and Margaret
Photo Mike HILL Collection MH23
I can see Iris and Frank LOAD and Nippy and Shirley plus Margaret, used to work as a Saturday girl with them..HCB
Back Row - May WORRALL, Carol NOBLE, Nippy DAVIES, Shirley DAVIES, Ronnie DAVIES, Chris HILL, Iris LOAD, Jenifer DAVIES
Front Row - Maureen BASFORD, Margaret ... ( Supervisor ), Mr FORSETT ( Manager ), Anne EASTERBROOK, Val HOWLEY, uk
Photo Mike HILL Collection MH24
1967 - 1968
When Woolies was the last word in window dressing, featuring Brillo Pads and Cleaning Cloths. Kitchen towel rolls 2/- , hair sprays 3/9d and 2/-, and pedal bins 7/6d.
Photo Ismet MUSTAFIC Collection IM3
Another great photo. I always wondered what the building next door looked like before it was knocked down. Looks like there was an alley! The entrance to Woolies would that be behind your mum?...JVE
As far as I remember, there were two entrances to Woolies, one behind my mum and one just in front where the yellow circular sign is, advertising the hair sprays...IM
I think the person in the blue anorak with the red lining is one of the HICKEY girls?...IM
Another great photo, yes woolies had 2 entrances I think, the little shop next door remember it had bow window & they had few funky things selling in that at one time so long ago, but remember the shop, note prams left outside my goodness wouldn't do that today , great photo...CP
What a blast from the past more please...JB
They were safe days Carol you wouldn't leave ya prams outside now I remember I used to leave our Lindsay( Niece ) outside Vivo's (I was working there then ) and all the girls used to go out and have a look at her I always took her down to see um on me day off xxx...MP
What a Lovely picture of Anna I loved her she used to alter all my clothes and she made me a Lovely Tennis Dress XXX...MP
Lovely photo Ismet, your lovely mum just as I remember her...BB
What a fabulous photo!...FB
What was the shop next to Woolies - now OneStop...PW
I don't think I can remember who was there but think it was a little shop selling all sorts like handbags and hats, a bit funky. Probably wrong...JB
Yes Judy thats what I remember, bit junky can't remember an alley down side of it though...CP
Oh yes I can see the alleyway now. How long ago was that photo taken - maybe before we moved to Ledbury from the wilds of Herefordshire (Abbeydore)...PW
I don't remember the alley wonder where it went perhaps behind Woolies. Ain't this amazing I'm still loving it months on...JB
1958 Tilleys Almanack No 10 Jones & Davis, Stationers. This Jones I believe is the same family as Jones who had the corner shop in Oatleys Rd. When I last spoke with Georgina JONES ( Wilkins ) she was telling me a little about her family and the shops that they had in The Homend. best I make another visit and get the facts recorded...JVE
I remember cleaning those windows can tell by the
The photo was taken in either late 1967 or possibly early 1968...IM
Miss ENGLAND visit
Middle Row - Veronica EVANS, Mrs TAYLOR, Mrs LOADE, Nippy DAVIES, Shirley DAVIES, Miss ENGLAND, Maureen BASFORD, Jean ..., May WORRALL, Vi ROWBERRY, Ethel NICHOLAS, bluey had a sister called pinkie
Front Row - seated Val HOWLEY, Margaret BROWN
Cutting Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE12
Store No 696/6, Address 6/8 The Homend, Early Closing - Wednesdays
Major refit gives new look to Woolies
Miss Kate CORBETT cuts the tape at the re-opening of Woolworths in the Homend, watched by district manager Bill BARTLETT (left) Ledbury manager Chris ELLIS and regional officer Jack GREEN (right)
History was made on Friday when the new doors of Woolworths, in Ledbury were opened by the stores first-ever manageress, Miss Kate CORBETT
Miss CORBETT, who first opened the store in July, 1937, was guest of honour at a ceremony which followed a four day closure of the premises for a major refit.
The re-opening was unique not only because it was performed by the original manageress of nearly 50 yearsago, but also because the entrance has been specially designed and constructed to blend in the Ledbury conservation area.
It is the first time since the store opened that the facadehas been altered, and planners were concerned that any alterations should not be detrimental to the street scene.
Shirley ROBERTS ( James ), Lynne GREENING ( Daniels ), Mrs Iris LOADE, complete with new uniforms, stock the shelves at the new-look, Woolworths.
Cutting Audrey EDGE ( Davis ) Collection AE16 and 16b
I miss Woolies xx...PP
Oh my word, I remember this lol Iris Lynn n me, that has really taken me back xx...SR
Lesley Scott I miss wollies too...LS
Store staff snapshots
Ledbury store manager Mr Mike FOXON has uncovered a cache of old photographs of local shop staff from years past.
Mr FOXON, manager of Woolworths in the Homend, found the photos while clearing out an upstairs room over the shop. And despite dating in some cases from the firms sixpenny store days, all are in remarkably good condition.
Some show women assistants in smart air hostess-style hats and matching uniforms, while pictures from the 1960s depict the then up-to-the-moment fashion for mini-skirts and hot pants.
Wonder where these photos are now - where is Mr FOXON?
Post 1988
Woolworths FOR SALE
If you would like to read more about the history of F W WOOLWORTH stores then visit this site Woolworths Museum
Photographs are credited to the owners
Comments are from members of the Old Ledbury Facebook Group
Cuttings from Ledbury Reporter newspapers