Old Ledbury - World War One in Eastnor Village

World War One in Eastnor Village

World War One Eastnor Village

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 08 08 1914

A stirring service of Intercession for the success of our arms in the war took place at the parish church on Wednesday evening. There was a large congregation. The service commenced with the 90th Psalm, and was followed by the Litany and special prayers. "O God our help in ages past" was sung kneeling. The Rector then delivered a short address in which he pointed out that the war was not of our own seeking, but was owing to aggression on the part of Germany, who had broken international law by attacking neutral States. The National Anthem enthusiastically sung, brought a memorable service to a close.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 22 08 1914
On Monday, the Rector (the Rev, B.C. HALLOWES, M.A.) will join the Church Lads Brigade at Rhyader for a fortnight as assistant chaplain. On August 28, the services at the Parish Church will be taken by the Rev. C.H. BINSTEAD.

Services of intercession will be held at the Parish Church on the 21st inst. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m and Litany at 11 a.m. At 7 p.m there will be a special service of intercession. On Sunday, the collections will be in aid of the National Relief Fund.

Eastnor Roll of Honour

[Eastnor Roll of Honour]

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 26 09 1914
A "call to arms" meeting was held at the Club and Institute, Eastnor, on Tuesday evening. There was an excellent attendance, and a good deal of interest was manifested in the proceedings. Colonel SCOBIE (recruitment officer for the county) was present, and made a strong appeal for more recruits, although he admitted that Eastnor had so far done splendidly in that respect. Mr. C. W. BELL (Bronsil) presided, and he was supported by Mr A. R. ROWDEN, in addition to Colonel SCOBIE. No doubt as the result of the meeting additional recruits will be forthcoming from Eastnor. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn "O God our help in ages past, " Mrs. A. R. ROWDEN presiding at the piano. The reading by the Chairman of a telegram from Lord SOMERS wishing the meeting success, created a great deal of enthusiasm. Lord SOMERS expressed the hope that Eastnor would be well represented at Berlin when the time came.
During the evening patriotic songs were rendered in a pleasing manner.
The Chairman briefly referred to the object of the meeting before introducing Col. SCOBIE, in the course of which he associated himself with the hope expressed by Lord SOMERS.

Colonel SCOBIE, who received a warm reception, first of all thanked Mr. ROWDEN who had worked with him for the assistance they had rendered to the county on the matter of recruiting, and expressed the hope that they would not relax their efforts in the future. Proceeding, the speaker referred in gratifying terms to the fact that when war broke out the Herefordshire Regiment was filled in a very short space of time, but since then circumstances had arisen and orders had been - which opened up a still wider field for the Herefordshire - he referred to the formation of a local Reserve Battalion. Although two neighbouring counties owed Herefordshire 200 men, they were faced with the fact that the county still had to find 400 men. This was due to the fact that many men who had come forward in the past had not merely undertaken the defence of their country, but had expressed their willingness to go on foreign service. (Loud applause). He would like to point out to them that the conflict in which they were engaged at present was not one which they could expect the British Army to settle by themselves. In the past our Army had managed to win battles, because they were without equal in the field, but on this occasion they were probably

Consequently, Lord KITCHENER had said that they would have to find another Army, and in order to find more soldiers it was necessary not only to go to the big towns for recruits, but also to the country. (Hear, hear). It was necessary for them all to realise that the fighting which was raging now was really going on in a country only a few hours journey from their own home. They were fighting for the defence of their own country as soldiers in France, and it behoved them to realise that very big responsibilities rested upon them. As a matter of fact they were fighting for the defence of this country and the integrity of their Empire. He did not propose to explain to them all the causes which led up to the war, of which they were no doubt all aware, but suffice it to say that their honour depended upon them being in the conflict, having regard to the fact that they were under an obligation to defend Belgium. The Belgians had done wonders. Look how that country had been devastated by the German brutes because they could not call them anything else. Supposing Germany had beaten Belgium and France, what would have happened? They would have seized all the ports on our own shores, and the next move would have been to come across to England with the object of invasion. Their gratitude was due to the Belgians, who put up such a splendid resistance at the commencement of hostilities. Proceeding, Col. SCOBIE said that the world had never witnessed before a conflict such as they were now engaged in, and their troops in France were fighting for

The battles of the past were nothing in comparison to it. The battle front in France extended about 200 miles, and fighting was going on all the time. The British Army were in the thick of the fight, and were doing their duty as English soldiers had done in the past, and he hoped always would do in the future. The question which immediately concerned them was as to how they were going to keep this Army up? The answer was simple. They would have to find more men. Some people had been foolish enough to suppose that no more men were needed, but Lord KITCHENER and Mr. Winston CHURCHILL had laid it down that more men "are wanted, " and more men had to be found. No doubt they would have read in the papers that Mr. Lloyd GEORGE was endeavouring to raise a whole division in Wales. Therefore how could they possibly say that more men were not needed? To say such a thing would be an absolute - well, you can call what you like, added Colonel SCOBIE, amidst laughter. Upon this point he would like to address a few remarks. At the beginning the war, Lord KITCHENER called for 500,000 men, and he (the speaker) had every reason to believe that he had found them. This did not, however, satisfy Lord KITCHENER, and the call had gone forth for another 500,000 men. Mr. CHURCHILL had told them that it was necessary

that they should have one million trained men in a very short time. The idea prevailed among mothers, wives, sweethearts, etc., that it was a very wicked thing to take away these untrained men and send them out to fight. Now Lord KITCHENER had made it plain that he had no intention of doing such a thing. He did not want them for present fighting. These men would not be placed in the field until they were properly trained. They would be trained and organised in a way that hardly any other Army had ever been before. They all started on a equal and all had the same opportunities of becoming proficient. (Hear, hear). It was, therefore, not so very difficult to train them, because they would be in one class. As to when they would be placed in the field depended upon their fitness. Lord KITCHENER was a good judge on this point. He intended to see that the men were properly trained, and men would not be sent to the front until they were thoroughly trained. Therefore he need hardly tell them that men were wanted now - at once - in order that they might be trained. They could rest assured that they would not be sent to the front until they were fit to take their places as fighting men. Shooting would be taught by instructors from the National Rifle Association, and other civilian experts. A great deal of trouble would be taken over the men and in a short time they would be able to shoot like the soldiers at present in the field were. (Hear, hear). There need no fear that the young men now being asked for were

(Laughter). Then there were another set of recruits he proposed to talk to them about, namely, the Army Service Corp and the Army Medical Corp. When the war broke out the Herefordshire Regiment was 250 men below strength. They should have been a little over 1,000, but instead of this their strength was a little over 700. When the war was declared their ranks were filled up at once, not by raw recruits, but by men who had been "through the men" and were eager to get back to the colours. (Applause). The result was that in a short time the Herefordshire Regiment was full - 1,006 strong. (Renewed applause). Lord KITCHENER then said he wanted them for foreign service, and the question was put to the men as to their willingness to go. This happened whilst the men were at Oswestry and out of every hundred of them, 85 said they would go on foreign service. (Loud cheers). They could depend upon it that a similar thing happened throughout the country. Lord KITCHENER then said it would never do to leave England undefended and he said, "I must have men for the defence of England. " The result was that he appealed to every Territorial Regiment to recruit itself for home defence, up to its own strength, and that was what was taking place at the present time. This was one of the units they were asked to find men for, and Eastnor was asked to contribute its quota of the men that would be necessary in order to raise this six or seven hundred men up to one thousand. Therefore

He (the speaker) was not only recruiting for the Territorials, but also for Lord KITCHENER's Army. There was also the Army Service Corp, for which men were still wanted in Herefordshire. The Army Service Corps occupied a distinguished position, seeing that they had been used by the Welsh Division. Now 432 men of trade were wanted for the Regiment. No doubt Mr. ROWDEN would ascertain what the trades were, and if any of them wanted to join the Corp he would let them know what men were required. This was a Corp for work and for men with trades, all of whom were able to carry on their own business in the Army. They were experts and did not require such a great deal of drill as the ordinary soldier. Some of the men wanted were farm hands - men who were used to horses. He believed men were wanted for this branch of the Corp at the present time. Men were also wanted who were able to load vehicles, not only horse drawn, but motor lorries, capable of holding very big supplies. Only recently 72 men were required as motor drivers, and they were also found within 24 hours of the notice being issued. (Loud applause). Another regiment for which recruits were wanted was the Royal Army Service Corp. This was a Corp expressly for "comforts," if he might put it that way. They were wanted to

and to carry them to the hospitals. In Herefordshire they were about 106 strong. They had got their first complement, but it became necessary to recruit again and when it was known that 106 men were wanted, they were got in less than a week. (Applause). As he had previously stated men were now wanted for the Herefordshire Regiment, and he hoped they would be obtained. If there were men who did not want to join this regiment, there was Lord KITCHENER's Army open to them. He (the speaker) would like it to be understood that foreign service did not mean that men would be sent straight to the front. The British Army was composed of men abroad and men at home and the former consisted of a large portion of the British Army. There was not a country in the world which sent and kept so many men abroad as England. Therefore, if they could draw upon the British Army abroad, and put them in France, they would have a body of trained men to assist the Army at present in the field. In order to facilitate this move, many Territorials had been sent abroad to relieve the troops there. A whole Brigade had gone to Malta, and a garrison to Gibraltar. It had also been suggested that if necessary men would be sent to India.

went on the speaker, but it was not going to be won simply by applauding or by wearing buttonholes. It would be done by hard work. When it was won someone would have to dictate terms of peace and this would have to be done by England. We must win, said Colonel SCOBIE. They were fighting for everything life was worth living for. There might be bloodshed but just think what would happen to England if they did not win. They would be under German rule, and people had been silly enough to say, "Why should we not be better off under the Kaiser than under King George? " To make such a statement was madness. England had to dictate terms of peace, and those terms had to be dictated in Berlin. (Loud applause). But it was of no use dictating terms of peace unless they had a big Army behind them. This was where the Territorials came in because they had to be made use of. (Hear, hear). Proceeding the speaker said their Army would not be fighting in France only. They would have to go.

There would be the Russians on the one side of Berlin and the English and Allies on the other. The result would be that the Germans would be hemmed in. They sometimes heard people ask what good the Territorials would be for the defence of England, but they might say the same about KITCHENER's Army. As a matter of fact, the Territorials were a great deal better now than some people would have them believe. (Hear, hear). Concluding, Colonel SCOBIE, referring to the words of a song sung by Mr. ROWDEN at the opening of the meeting, the text of which was "England expects that every man will do his duty" said they must make sure that every man did do his duty in this grave crisis. In order that men should be trained they were wanted now and he strongly appealed to all men under the age of 35 years to come forward. Some were too old, but they had a duty to do also in helping to get recruits. He (the speaker) was prepared to admit that Eastnor had already done well, but no place could say that it had done its duty until that place could say that every man who could go had gone. He hoped in the words of the song that England and Eastnor "will then confess that they have done their duty. " (Loud and prolonged applause).
Mr. A. R. ROWDEN followed with a brief address, in the course of which he made a strong appeal for recruits.
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and speakers, and the singing of the National Anthem.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 03 10 1914
Lord Somers is now at Tidworth Training Camp and will shortly join his regiment, the 1st Life Guards, who are at the front.

The Rev. H. S. SOMERS COCKS , who In company with his son, sailed for Canada on the Royal Edward in July last, had a very exciting voyage as the result of war being declared during the voyage. In the course of the journey the captain of the ship received a wireless message to the effect that three German cruisers were on the alert for them. On receipt of the message the captain gave orders for full speed ahead, and the ship reached her destination in safety. On being informed of the declaration of war the Rev. SOMERS COCKS decided to return home, and he did soon the same ship. The fact that a German cruiser might be encountered on the return journey created considerable excitement on board, although the Royal Edward had, with the aid of blue paint, undergone a decided change in her appearance. However, after a thrilling voyage Bristol was reached in safety. ]t was well known on hoard that German cruisers had been instructed to search any British vessels carrying Reservists and foodstuffs to Great Britain, and both Belgian Reservists and foodstuffs were on board. Readers will congratulate the Rev. SOMERS COCKS upon, having again reached English shores without having suffered a more anxious experience.

HALLOWES - September 28, as the result of an accident, Brabazon Chambre HALLOWES, Rector of Eastnor, aged 53 years.

It was with deep regret that the people of Eastnor and those residing in the surrounding neighbourhood learned of the death of the Rev. Brabazon CHAMBRE HALLOWES, M.A., which occurred under such tragic circumstances on Monday evening last. The news of his death created a painful surprise in this locality, and the unfortunate occurrence cast quite a gloom over the parish of Eastnor. The deceased rector met his end under somewhat unusual circumstances. On Monday evening he was at Malvern Link with his motor car, and was in fact in the Merton Road when the accident, which caused his death occurred. While starting the engine from the front of the car the machine suddenly darted forward, catching his left leg and pinning him against an adjoining wall. When he stopped the engine of the car he apparently left the driving gear in with the result that when he went to start the car again preparatory to continuing his journey, it was at once set in motion, with the result described. Mr W.H. JONES, who was in his workshop nearby, was startled to hear a crash as the car had knocked down his back gate and he heard someone cry out. "Oh my leg! " He rushed out, and with the assistance of a lad pulled back the car and released the deceased, but from the first he could see that the case was hopeless. The deceased Rector had severed one of the largest arteries of the body, and despite every endeavour to stop the flow of blood until the arrival of Dr. STEPHENS, of Malvern Link who rendered every possible assistance, Mr. HALLOWES passed away before the Malvern Hospital was reached. His death was due to loss of blood as a result of the injury sustained.

The deceased gentleman, who was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, became a B.A. in 1886 and M.A. the following year. He became Rector of Eastnor, which is in the gift of Lady Henry Somerset in 1905. He was formerly curate of Holy Trinity, Stroud and of Ault-Hucknall, an afterwards Rector of Morcott.

He was a member of a very old Derbyshire family, being a son of the late Rev. Brabazon HALLOWES, of Glapwell Hall, Derbyshire. Deceased came to Eastnor in succession of the Rev. Henry SOMERS-COCKS, who resigned the living in order to take up the duties of private chaplain to the Bishop of Rochester. Prior to his acceptance of the living of Eastnor, deceased was fourteen years Rector of Morcott. He was a brother-in-law to a former Rector of Eastnor, in the person of the Rev. H.S. SANDERS.

During the nine years the deceased was Rector of Eastnor he worked strenuously for the advancement of Church interests, but while a keen and zealous Churchman he exercised a large-minded tolerance to those who did not hold identical views. He always demanded what he considered to be right and just, and he was at the same time willing to accord the same treatment to others. Thus it may be said that those who differed from him on religious matters came to recognise his fair and impartial dealings. Everyone who have [sic] read the letters which have appeared in the Parish Magazine written by him on any occasion when he was away from the parish knows how his mind ever reverted to Eastnor, and how it held the first place in his thoughts. There are several institutions in the parish which will miss the late Rector's generous sympathy and indefatigable aid. While performing an almost incessant round of parochial duties he always evinced a loving and inexhaustible solicitude for the fine old fabric of which he was the custodian. It may be said that he faithfully filled his office as Rector of Eastnor, and without doubt the parishioners will hold the name of their late Rector in affectionate remembrance.

The deceased was invariably of a cheerful and kindly disposition, hence the happy relationship which existed between priest and parishioners. He was not only greatly beloved by the people with whom he was daily in contact, but he also enjoyed the high esteem and regard of those who reside outside the village of Eastnor, among whom he was much revered.

Deceased's public work was chiefly confined to his own parish. He was closely identified with St. Mary's Home of which he was chaplain and chairman respectively. He was greatly interested in the cause of temperance and was officially connected with the Church of England Temperance Society. In connection with this movement he did a great deal of work in neighbouring parishes. He was also a member of the Herefordshire Diocesan Conference. Besides being the instigator of the Eastnor parochial tea he was the chairman of the local Parish Council. The Church Lads' Brigade claimed a large share of his attention, and as assistant chaplain to the Herefordshire Battalion, he recently spent a fortnight at Rhayader, central Wales with the Ledbury, Colwall, Eastnor and Wellington Heath contingents who are guarding the Birmingham Waterworks. The late Rector was a strong supporter of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the Church Missionary Society, and greatly assisted locally in the work of those organisations. The deceased also took a lively interest in the Eastnor Club and Institute, in which connection he will be greatly missed. The local Cricket Club received great encouragement from him, and his loss will be greatly deplored by the members of the club. Every object worthy of support received the attention of the deceased, and in many ways his loss both in and outside the parish of Eastnor will be greatly felt.

The deceased evinced a keen interest in the present war, and did everything in his power to stimulate recruiting in his own parish, which has done so well in this respect. In a striking letter addressed to his parishioners and which he wrote for the October number of the Eastnor Parish Magazine the late Rector says: -

" The great war is the one subject of thought and conversation, and is likely to remain so for a long time. Some seem to think that it will soon be over; I don't for one moment think so: Germany is fighting with her back to the wall, and with her six millions of soldiers, her enormous armaments of highly efficient artillery, her fleet, though bottled up, yet not accounted for she will give the Allied Forces all they can do to bring the war to a successful conclusion. One great fact since war broke out has emerged as clear as day, and that is we are fighting not only to carry out our solemn engagements and maintain our honour, not only to uphold the freedom of small States, not only to save ourselves and Europe from a despotism too dreadful to contemplate and which would put back the march of civilisation a hundred years, but above all we are fighting for the law of expediency, for, the law of religion against the law of gross materialism, for the law of the Christian ideal against the law of brutal force. So, far above the din of battle, far above the shrieks of the helpless homes and children done to death, or circumstances of unspeakable horror by the cruel and merciless foe, there sounds the clarion cry to arms! to arms! to arms!. Article thirty eight of our religion tells us that " it is lawful for Christian men at the commandment of the magistrate to wear weapons and serve in the wars". Our King and our country call us. If ever there was a religious cause for war, this is the one. Let the manhood of England and Empire rally to the Standard of Religion and freedom now unfurled let it determine that no consideration of self shall stand in the way; let it never rest till it has struck the sceptre from the cruel hands of the despot who with his people are responsible for this war and has substituted the law of gentleness, love and peace for the law of hate and menace. "

The deceased leaves a widow and two children to mourn his loss. Much sympathy will be felt with Mrs. HALLOWES, who shares the esteem and regard so long enjoyed by her late husband, in her sad and sudden bereavement.

The funeral will take place at Eastnor Church on Saturday at 2.30p.m. We understand that the service will be conducted by the Bishop of Hereford.

On Tuesday, at Malvern Hospital an enquiry was conducted by the Coroner (Mr. G. F. S. BROWN), into the circumstances attending the death of the deceased Rector. Mr Percy LEWIS was chosen foreman of the jury.

The first witness was Major HALLOWES of Clifton Hall, Shrewsbury, brother of the deceased, who, he said, was a clerk in Holy Orders and Rector of Eastnor. He was 53 years of age and witness saw him last on Saturday the 26th inst. At that time his brother appeared to be in his usual health and witness motored home with him. Deceased had been driving a motor car for about three years, and could be said to be an experienced driver. Witness could not say whether or not he understood the mechanism of a car. But he did not keep a chauffeur and looked after his car himself. He appeared to be well conversant with the machinery. Witness heard of his brother's death by telegram on Monday evening about 8.15 p.m. The telegram informed him that deceased had been killed by a motor car. Witness identified the body the jury had seen as being that of his brother. Witness knew nothing about the circumstances surrounding his death.

Thomas Charles SADLER, engineer, Victoria Road, Malvern Link, stated that he knew the deceased and last saw him alive a few minutes before the accident occurred which was about 5.30 p.m. on Monday evening. Deceased was then outside witness's works, having previously made a call. About 6.15 p.m., witness heard that an accident had happened and that it had occurred outside his works. Witness at once went out to see for himself and saw what had occurred. Deceased must have started the car when the gear was in with the result that it had moved on about six paces and struck the wall adjoining. Witness saw blood about the place.

In reply to the Coroner a police officer stated that no one actually witnessed the accident.

Proceeding, witness said the gear being in the car appeared to have rushed forward and pinned the deceased against the wall. This was not an unusual occurrence. Witness had done a similar thing himself. It was a matter of forgetfulness. Deceased stopped the engine without taking the gear out and started it again when the gear was in.

By the foreman: When he saw deceased the car was about six paces from the wall. The front wheels were nearly parallel with the wall. When deceased visited witness's works he usually stayed for some time but on this occasion witness had an engagement and had to hurry off.

Alfred James HUGHES, 1, Shrub Cottages, Quest Hill, a lad, stated that on Monday he was at Malvern Link about 5.35 p.m. He was near Mr SADLER's works and was just going to attend to a pony when he heard a motor start followed by a very loud noise. Then he heard a crash and the car knocked down a door belonging to Mr. W. H. JONES, by whom witness was employed. As he was running up to see what had occurred, witness heard the deceased shout "Oh my poor leg! " When witness got to the scene of the accident, he saw that the car had pinned deceased against the wall. He was pinned by the left hand spring of the car and had one hand over the bonnet, and the right arm over the left mudguard. Witness heard the switch of the car running and at once turned it off. He also put the brake off, and was about to back the car to extricate deceased when assistance came. Deceased having been released he was taken charge of by Mr JONES, who bandaged handkerchiefs around the injury deceased had received just above the knee. A doctor was immediately summoned. He did not see the deceased removed. The doctor arrived about seven minutes after the accident occurred.

The Coroner: How long was it before Mr JONES and others came to your assistance?

Witness: I had just started to move the car when Mr JONES came. It was about two minutes.

The Foreman: Was the deceased facing the car or was his face towards the wall?

Witness: His head was towards the wall and his leg was twisted round.

Dr H. N. STEPHENS, medical practitioner at Malvern Link said he did not know the deceased. He was called to Merton Road, Malvern Link about 6.15 p.m. on Monday evening. When witness saw the deceased he thought he was dead. At any rate he was dying. Witness examined him and found a wound above the left knee running down to the bone. It was about 2 1/2 inches long. There was about a half-bucket full of blood in the gutter and it was apparent that deceased had lost a great quantity. Efficient first aid had already been rendered on witness's arrival. Witness did all he possibly could to stop the haemorrhage. A motor car was procured from Malvern and deceased was conveyed to the hospital. He was dead when they arrived at the Institution. Death was due to haemorrhage following the injury sustained. Deceased had burst the popliteal artery, which was one of the largest arteries in the leg. To have been of any use medical assistance should have been rendered about half a minute after the occurrence. A man would bleed to death in less than a minute. The Foreman: Was an efficient tourniquet applied?

Witness: Yes, but it was too late to be of any use. It should have been applied in less than one minute. It was one of the largest arteries in the body and blood would run straight away.

This was all the evidence and the Coroner in summing up, said the evidence adduced clearly showed how the accident occurred. Deceased had started the engine of the car when the gear was in, with the result they had heard. They had heard the evidence of the doctor and he thought the jury would agree from the evidence they had heard that the deceased met his death accidentally.

The jury agreed, and a verdict was returned accordingly.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 10 10 1914
Eastnor Parish Church was crowded on Saturday afternoon last for the funeral of the Rev. Brabazon Chambre HALLOWES late Rector of Eastnor, whose internment was the occasion of a most remarkable manifestation of sorrow and sympathy probably ever seen in the parish. On all hands were to be seen signs of mourning and there were very few parishioners who attended the ceremony and did not wear black in some shape or form. It was evident that the parish realised the great loss they had sustained by the untimely death of a true and sympathetic friend. There were many children present, of whom he was so fond9 at the internment and when the ceremony was concluded, there were few whose eyes were not dimmed with tears. The cortege left the Rectory at half-past two and proceeded to the Parish Church, where the first portion of the burial took place. The Rector of Ledbury (the Rev. F. W CARNEGY. M.A.), officiated and the service was fully choral. As the coffin was carried into the church, the organist (Mr ROBINSON) played "Oh Rest in the Lord." The lesson was read by the Rev. H. SOMERS-COCKS. During the service the 90th psalm was chanted to a setting by Gilbert and the hymns "Peace, perfect peace", and "Abide with Me," were sung. As the body was being conveyed to the grave the organist played the "Dead March" in Saul.

The remains were enclosed in a coffin of unpolished oak with brass fittings, and the breastplate was inscribed as follows -

"Rev. Brabazon Chambre HALLOWES, BORN April 9th 1862, died September 28th 1914. Aged 53 years."

The bearers were the local bearers - Messrs. W. JONES, E. PHILLIPS, R. BROWNING, H. WINTER, A. WEBB, and T. MITTEN.

The chief mourners were Mrs HALLOWES (widow), and the Rev H.S. SANDERS (brother-in-law), Miss Muriel HALLOWES (daughter), Major HALLOWES (brother), Mrs HALLOWES (sister-in-law), Miss HALLOWES (niece), Mrs DEAKINS (sister-in-law), Rev. Gerald COLVILLE (brother-in-law), Mrs COLVILLE (sister), Mr and Mrs W. B. M. JACKSON (brother-in-law and sister), Misses SANDERS (sisters-in-law), and Col. W.F. LEWIS C.B. (cousin).

The clergy in the funeral procession were - Rev. Henry SOMERS (Somerset), Rev. Canon BULKELEY (Coddington), Rev. O. F. R. STRICKLAND (Ledbury), Rev. F. S. STOOKE-VAUGHAN (Wellington-in-Heath,) Rev A. E. GREEN-PRICE (Tarrington,) Rev. A. H. KNIPP (Pixley), Rev T. HOLLAND (Little Marcle), Rev. F. A. REISS (Donnington), Rev. T. W. HARVEY (Bosbury), Rev. C. HARRIS D.D. (Colwall) Rev. H. BICKNELL (Birtsmorton), Rev. H. E. CASEY (Berrow), Rev. W. WYNN-LLOYD (Bromesberrow), Rev. H. M. Niblett (Redmarley), Rev. C. V. KENNERLEY (Castlemorton), Rev. C. W. RANDLES (Stretton Grandison) Rev. B. A. BERRY (Worcester).

There were also present - Major and Mrs ATHERLEY, Mr C. W. BELL (Rector's Warden), and the Hon. Mrs. BELL, Major and Mrs. DRUMMOND, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. BICKHAM, Rev. C. L. MONEY-KYRLE, Dr. WOOD, Dr. GREEN, Dr. McKEAN, Mr. and Mrs. A. Roger ROWDEN, Messrs J. E. SMITH, G. MULLINS (peoples' warden), E. JAMES, F.W. WADE, W. LEWIS (Eastnor), W. LEWIS and E. LEWIS (Ledbury), F. BUTLER, R. LAWRENCE, J. GIFFORD, L. BALDWIN, J. SYMES, F. HART, W. S. CROOKS, G. HILL, L. J. PHILLIPS, H. Bill, E. SANSOME, H. B. COURT, H. W. HAYTER (correspondent of the Rural School Attendance Committee, of which the deceased was vice-chairman), V. W. MEACHAM, T. WILLIAMS, T. A. WARREN, F. J. LOW, G. COBB, Mr and Mrs. H. COTTON. Also the Ledbury Church Lads' Brigade (under Sergt. C. E. BAKER) and the children of St. Mary's Home (in charge of the Matron, Miss WHITEHEAD).

The grave, which is situated close to the entrance to the church, was lined with small marguerites, white dahlias, and chrysanthemums. The Hon. and Very Rev. Bishop of Hereford (Dr. PERCIVAL) said the committal sentences and also gave the Blessing. The deceased's favourite hymn "How Sweet the name of Jesus sounds." was sung and the simple but solemn rite concluded with the singing of the last verse of "O Paradise! O Paradise!"

There were a large number of beautiful floral tributes which were sent by the following - Mrs HALLOWES and family9 Major and Miss HALLOWES, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. M. JACKSON, the Rev. H. SANDERS, Robert ALLSOP, the maids of the Rectory, Martha, Mr. and Mrs. JENKINS, and John, Mr. C. Wynn GRIFFITH, servants and friends from Watton Lodge, Matron and Sisters, Mrs. ILLINGWORTH, the House Committee of St Mary's Home; the Rev. J. and Mrs COLVILLE, Mr. and Mrs. HARDY and Wilfred, Mrs. EUTHONEN, Mrs. TAYLOR and Lotte, Mr. and Mrs. PARRY and family, Aunt Emmie, Aunt Louie and Lena, Mrs. MITCHELL, Mrs. DEAKIN, Miss HOLLINS and Miss ROBERTS, Rev. and Miss BELL, Major and Mrs. DRUMMOND, Lady Henry SOMERSET, Lord SOMERS, Rev. and Mrs HAWKINS. Mr and Mrs. ROWDEN, Rev. M. MALLINSON, the bellringers, the laundry, Mrs. JESSOP, Mrs BULLOCK and Mrs. BORN, Mrs. LANGSHAW, Miss OWEN, Misses SANDERS, Mrs and Miss SCHOLEY, Mrs. PITT and Mrs. BARSON, fellow members of committee of St. Mary's Home, Rev. and Mrs. STOOKE-VAUGHAN, Miss E. WAGSTAFF, the children at St. Mary's Home, Mrs. WISE, Mr. and Mrs WOOKEY, Major and Mrs. ATHERLEY, Mr. and Mrs. MEACHAM, Mr. and Mrs. SANTLER, H. and E. WINTER, the Misses NEED, H. CLAY, Col. D. F. and Mrs. LEWIS, Mrs. Stanley LLOYD, Mr. and Mrs. HART and family, Mr. and Mrs. George HILL, Mrs. WILKINS and Hetty, Mrs. MYTTON and family, Mrs MADDISON GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. MAPP.

After the ceremony, the bellringers rang muffled peals.

The funeral arrangements were ably undertaken by Messrs George HILL and Sons, Ledbury.

At the Eastnor Church on Sunday morning last the Rev. H. S. SOMERS-COCKS, a former rector of the parish occupied the pulpit. In the course of his sermon he referred to the great loss the parish had sustained by the death of the Rev. Brabazon C. HALLOWES. They met that morning, he said, on a very sad occasion in the history of the parish; a week which for many years past should have been a reminder to them of the secrets of God. For it was the week in which two well known and much beloved people in Eastnor were called to their rest. They had also met together at a time of great sorrow throughout the whole country. Perhaps in the greatest crisis the world had ever known. They met however, in a special time of sorrow for the parish of Eastnor, because one had been taken from them whom they had loved dearly. Their late Rector had walked in a manner worthy of his Christian calling and he tried throughout his life to carry out the precepts which St. Paul reminded his Christian hearers it was their duty to carry out. He would like to refer to one or two points on the character of him who had been called away to his well deserved rest and who tried to walk worthily as a servant of Jesus Christ. In the first place they would always remember their late Rector as being a true imitator of Jesus Christ in the humility of his life. He tried day by day to know the will of the Master and he tried to do that will no matter what it cost him. Among the things intended to benefit the young people memory was his gentleness and loving kindnesses towards them. A more sympathetic man none of them could wish to meet. He was one to whom they could tell their troubles and they often found true sympathy and a readiness to bear with them and to take his share of the burden from their shoulders. His gentleness was shown by his love of children, by the interest he took in the Church Lads' Brigade and other things intended to benefit the young people of Eastnor and other places. They had each to be thankful for his help and guidance and it was a great sorrow to them that he had been taken away. Yet they did not begrudge him the peace to which they believed he had gone. They could however, at least remember that he set them a good example of fearlessness in trying to do the right thing no matter what it cost him. No doubt in the past they had noticed month by month how wonderfully and clearly he was able to express himself in the letters which appeared in the Parish Magazine on different matters, and how he had tried to impress those matters upon them month by month. Only last month he (the speaker) wrote to the late Rector and told him that the letter he had written for the magazine was the clearest he had as yet seen explaining the reasons why England was at war to-day. When he (the speaker) wrote that letter he did not think it would be the last time he should ever write to him. They all appreciated the letters the deceased Rector wrote and he could not help thinking that they had been a great help to them in many ways. God had, however, seen fit to take him away to his rest. But his memory would always remain with them. They would remember him as a man who tried to imitate Christ. They would also remember how thoroughly he did his work and how he never spared himself in the accomplishment of his task. Let them thank God for him and keep his memory in mind. They would remember also that he was called to rest on the eve of St. Michael and All Angels. Further, let them remember the example he tried to set before them as an imitator of Christ, so that one day they might meet him in the place to which he had been taken and although they did not understand it at the time, to the loving Saviour in whom he put so much trust.

We are informed that Lord SOMERS has offered the Rev. H. L. SOMERS-COCKS the Rectorship at Eastnor in succession to the late Rev. B. C. HALLOWES, and that the offer has been accepted. The appointment of a successor was somewhat hurried owing to the fact that Lord SOMERS, who is the patron of the living, may be called upon to proceed to the front at any moment. The Rev SOMERS-COCKS who occupied the pulpit at the Eastnor Parish Church on Sunday last, is well-known to Eastnor people, having previously been Rector of the parish from 1901 to 1905.

The new Rector was B.A. at Trinity College, Cambridge 1884., M.A. 1888, DEACON 1886. He was curate of St Andrew's, Bishop Auckland, 1886-1890; Benged, Herts, 1890-1893, Rector of Steeple-Fitzpaine with Bickenhall Somerset, 1893-1895, after which he accepted the living of Street, in the latter county, where he was Vicar from 1895 to 1901. Upon leaving Eastnor in 1905, the Rev. SOMERS-COCKS became private chaplain to the Bishop of Rochester, which position he held for one year and eight months. During the seven years and a half which have elapsed since then, he has been Vicar of Edenbridge in Kent.

The parishioners of Eastnor will no doubt look forward to the return of their former Rector a pleasurable anticipation. During his residence in the parish he gained the high regard and esteem of all with whom he came into contact. The Rev. SOMERS-COCKS is a preacher of rare eloquence, and when he again takes up his residence in the village towards the end of December his parishioners will undoubtedly accord him a warm reception.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 21 11 1914
In consequence of the lamented death of their late Chairman, the Rev. B. C. HALLOWES, and the resignation of Mrs. HALLOWES, hon. secretary, and also on account of the war, the committee of St. Mary's Home have decided that their annual Pound Day shall not be celebrated as usual this year, but it is hoped that those who have on other occasions so kindly sent subscriptions and gifts in kind, will again send their contributions to the Home, on or before December 10th 1914. Contributions in money should be sent to Mrs. BICKHAM (local hon. secretary), Underdown, Ledbury.

Territorial Force Shropshire
Major J. T. R. J. Brabazon HALLOWES (late 6th D.G. Carabineers) to be major (temporary). Major HALLOWES is a relative of the Rev. Brabazon Chambre HALLOWES, Rector of Eastnor, who was recently killed in a motor accident.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 28 11 1914
Have received instructions form[sic] Mrs. C. E. HALLOWES, who is leaving,
As above,
ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th 1914, part of her Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects, comprising Fenders, Fireirons, Easy and Occasional Chairs, What-Nots, Couches, Dining and other Tables, a valuable Old Sideboard, Butler's Tray and Stand, Marble Timepiece, a large quantity of Standard and other Lamps, Kneehold Writing Table, Walnut Dining Room Suite, Overmantles, Mirrors, quantity of Books, Hall Furniture, including a valuable Grandfather's Clock, Carved Oak Table, 10 old Sporting Prints, numerous Engravings and Pictures, Turkey and other Carpets. The Furnishings of several Bedrooms, viz. : Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Mattress, Feather Bed, Bedclothing, Washstands, Toilet Ware, Towel Rails, Mirrors, Chairs, Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers, Hearthrugs, Opossum and other Skin Rugs, Schoolroom Furniture, Doll's House, Child's Fender, etc., Magic Lantern. The whole of the Kitchen Utensils, Glass, China, and a quantity of Silver and Plate Goods.
A 6-h.p. ROVER MOTOR CAR two seater, with Dual Ignition, Wind Screen, Hood, Lamps, etc. complete. A quantity of Outdoor and Garden effects, including Tennis nets and Posts, Lawn Mower, Roll, Garden Tent, Garden Chairs, Wheelbarrow, Tools, Netting etc.
A. Hearson 60-EGG INCUBATOR POULTRY HOUSES and the whole of the well-bred POULTRY, and numerous other Effects.
No Catalogues.
Sale at 12 o' clock prompt.
Auctioneers' Offices, New Street, Ledbury

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 12 12 1914
A correspondent writes: - Lord SOMERS, who was invalided from the front, is now on the high road to recovery. He was among the first soldiers to rush back to the colours and rejoin his old regiment - 1st Life Guards - when war broke out. Lord SOMERS had retired from the army three years before to go fruit farming in Canada, with his brother-in-law and sister, Lord and Lady CLARENDON - then Lord and Lady HYDE. When Lord SOMERS settled in Canada he and Lord CLARENDON managed to knock up some rough yet useful furniture out of packing cases. All declared themselves delighted with farming and living in a frame house, though they must have found it a great contrast to their hitherto comfortable life in London, where Lord and Lady CLARENDON had a big mansion in Lancaster Gate.

1914 - 1919 Ledbury Guardian Newspaper - Herefordshire History
1916 Tilley's Almanack
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Transcribed by Ismet MUSTAFIC

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