Old Ledbury - World War One in Ledbury - Local War News

World War One in Ledbury - Local War News

World War One Local War News

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 08 08 1914
A meeting of the local detachment of the National Reserve was held at the Drill Hall, Ledbury, on Thursday evening. Out of the 40 members present 7 or 8 volunteered to join the Territorials at Pembroke Dock.

Kington / Newent Reporter Newspaper 08 08 1914
On all hands men are volunteering for service. Local ex-members of Territorial Regiments who wished to rejoin their regiments have been refused for the present until the mobilisation is complete. Seven local members of the National Reserve have signified their willingness to volunteer for service abroad.

The British Army manoeuvres, which were to have taken' place in this district, have been cancelled.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 15 08 1914
The whole of the flower shows in this district have now been cancelled

Reference was made on Sunday last in the various Nonconformist places of worship in the town to the war

We understand that Mr E H HOPKIN 's, Royal Oak Hotel, Ledbury, has received a reassuring letter from his only daughter, who has been in Germany for some years past. The letter was a week in the post.

There was a gratifying response to Lord KITCHENER's appeal for 500,000 men in Ledbury and district, and a good number of men are joining the transport section. Recruiting has been brisk for a town of this size, and Col.Sergeant F W JUCKES has had a very busy time.

It has been decided by the Ledbury Town Football Club to let football remain in abeyance this season as far as the club is concerned. Several of the most prominent members of the team have joined the colours.

A brother of Mr A G SMITH, relieving officer, Ledbury who has been in Germany for many years , has reached Ledbury after a most exciting voyage. He was obliged to leave practically the whole of his household furniture and effects behind him, but he is very glad to have reached the shores of England safely with his wife and family.

We understand that Sir George BULLOUGH M.F.H, has placed Down House, Redmarley, at the disposal of the Army Authorities for the reception of wounded and disabled soldiers. Miss HOLLAND, Brand Lodge, Colwall, has done likewise, and as stated at a meeting in Ledbury over which he presided this week Lord BIDDULPH has also offered his house at Kemble.

The 1st City Westminster Troop of Boy Scouts, recently encamped at Bosbury, were recalled to London on Thursday last, many of whom are rendering valuable service at present time in connection with the war. We are informed that the Bosbury scouts will be called together on Saturday. At present they are under orders to proceed wherever they may be required.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 22 08 1914
The whole of the Herefordshire Regiment, it is stated, has volunteered for foreign service.

A report is in circulation to the effect that a member of the "A" Company Herefordshire Territorials, was attacked by a German on the highway near Hereford and left on the roadside bound and gagged.

The colours of the 1st Battalion Herefordshire Regiment were deposited in Hereford Cathedral on Monday immediately after the morning service. They were received by Dr. RACHDALL (Canon-in Residence), who delivered an impressive address.

Ledbury and District Air Rifle League - The annual meeting will be held at the New Inn Hotel, Ledbury, at 8p.m on Friday, August 28.

The Baths - The Ledbury Swimming Baths are not yet completed, but the Council will allow bathing on Monday next between 7 and 9 a.m., and from 4 to an hour after sunset.

Ledbury Evening Classes - The annual meeting will be held at the Barrett-Browning Institute on Monday, August 24th, at 8 p.m. Lady COLVILE has kindly consented to present the prizes. Parents and others interested are cordially invited.

Fire - The Ledbury Fire Brigade were called to a conflagration at Dingwood Park Farm at 3 a.m. on Monday morning. The Brigade left Ledbury at 3.30 a.m. and arrived at Dingwood Park at 3.40 a.m. On their arrival they found a clover rick on fire, about 22 tons. Carting operations were commenced, and the brigade were kept busy until four o'clock. The rick was close to the buildings, and some straw was also adjacent. The owner of the property is Colonel Henry HAFFIELD, and the tenant is Mr G.H. STALLARD. The property is covered by insurance.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 05 09 1914
Lord BIDDULPH has given £50 to the Gloucestershire War Fund.

Wanted, (Battlcoats) for all Able-bodied Youth in this country who have not yet joined the Navy or Army. - "The Times."

A message was received from the Admiralty on Thursday morning by Mrs POTTER, whose husband is a naval Reservist, asking her to go to Devonport by the earliest possible train. Mr. POTTER is well-known here as the caretaker of the Cemetery.

Mr. J. PARRY MITCHELL, Ledbury, who commenced hoppicking on September 2nd, has introduced a Red Cross Crib. All money earned at the crib will be devoted to Red Cross work. All persons desirous of picking hops are heartily welcomed.

Major G. S. CLIVE. Grenadier Guards and M.P. for Herefordshire, is appointed a General Staff Officer. Major CLIVE, who is a ???on of the great Shropshire hero and statesman, served in the Nile Expedition of ( 1898 ) (medal), and again in South Africa (1899-1900) as a Special Service Officer (Queen's medal)

Dr. J. McKEAN HARRISON, who is at present serving with his regiment departed from Ledbury for Bury St. Edmonds on Saturday evening last. As he passed along the Southend in Mr. C. B. MASEFIELD'S car he received a hearty cheer from the crowd of people who were standing outside the "Guardian" Office.

The attention of the public is called to the possibility of messages being dropped from aeroplanes. The messages will be enclosed in a weighted canvas bag fastened with two spring clips attached to which are two streamers of blue, red and yellow cloth each 43ft long. Any person finding or aiding such a bag dropped from an aeroplane should at once open it and take steps to forward the enclosed message to the person for whom it is intended.

On Sunday in a field at Yarkhill a meeting was held with the object of encouraging local recruiting - Mr Paul FOLEY presided and the speakers included Colonel SCOBIE, Colenel BOURNE and Mr A. WATKINS, all of whom encouraged all eligible men in their countrys' interests to join the Army. It was also suggested by one speaker that those who might join and would not really deserve to be boycotted in the parish. The gathering was a large one, and afterwards a number of recruits were forthcoming

Among the Herefordshire men who fought in the Naval Battle were the following :-
Richard ONSLOW, son of the Rev. M.R.S. ONSLOW, Stoke Edith. HMS Queen Mary.
G.J. LANE, son of Mr and Mrs William LANE, Withington. H.M.S. Queen Mary
Albert J. SCANDRETT, son of Mr and Mrs SCANDRETT, Withington. H.M.S. Queen Mary
P. Knill, Withington, H.M.S. Queen Mary
G.W.B. HARTLEY (nephew of Canon BANNISTER) midshipman, H.M.S. Lion, flagship of the First Battle Cruiser Squadron.

A committee has been formed in Ledbury to deal with the surplus fruit which may otherwise be wasted. It will be made into jam to be used for relief purposes and any help by giving fruit or jars or by taking shares of 2s 6d each to cover necessary expenditure for sugar etc will be gratefully received by the committee. Shares may be obtained from Mrs H.W. ORME, Normanshust, Bank Crescent, Ledbury which will be refunded in jam if desired. Fruit and jars should be sent without delay to the church, Ledbury.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 12 09 1914
We understand that Captain PALAIRET of Westhill, left Ledbury on Tuesday to join his regiment.

It is announced that all men in the Herefordshire Regiment will, as soon as possible, be formed into companies according to the districts from which they are drawn. Therefore, all men joining from Ledbury and district will be in the Ledbury Company.

An important order has just been issued. Any man may now enlist, be sworn in, and medically examined, and proceed to Hereford for one day"s service with the colours, for which he will receive 1s.9d. He can then return home and to his work and draw 6d. per day as a Reservist for three years, or as long as the war lasts, when he will be discharged. The War Office can at any time during the war recall him to the colours on giving about 10 days notice. He would then receive full pay whilst with the colours.

The Ledbury committee formed to deal with the surplus fruit in this district as previously announced, have now 2,650lbs of jam in their possession. The committee desire to thank ladies in Ledbury and district who have kindly given their services both as regards making jam and in giving pots, and also those who kindly gave fruit and jam. Such a large number of people responded to the appeal made to them - including grocers in the town, who met the committee in regard to the price of sugar - that it would be almost impossible to send a letter of thanks to each individual. The jam will be kept for relief purposes during the winter.

We are informed that no less than six parishioners connected with the Eastnor estate, have responded to the call to arms on behalf of the country. These include Lord SOMERS, three sons of Mr. C. W. BELL (Bronsil), Mr. Cuthbert ROWDEN, and Mr. A. D. ROBINSON.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 19 09 1914
The number of recruits in Herefordshire for Lord KITCHENER's Army and for the 1st Battalion Herefordshire Regiment now stands at 1,617. For Lord KITCHENER'S Army there have been 780, for the 1st Battalion Herefordshire Regiment 299, to bring the foreign service men up to 100 per cent, 146, and for the 1st Reserve Battalion Herefordshire Regiment 452. For the new Reserve Battalion Herefordshire 598 have actually joined - viz., 146 drafted to the 1st Battalion and 452 for home defence. If wanted, however, the majority of the latter are prepared to go abroad.

The Herefordshire A.S.C., which is now with the 1st Herefords at Northampton, was inspected by General Sir Ian HAMILTON, who was, we are informed, very favourably impressed by the splendid physique of the men, and expressed himself generally very pleased with the column.

Miss MARTIN, hon. secretary of the Ledbury Working Party for Soldiers and Sailors, has received the following letter about the garments (1st consignment) sent to the Red Cross Society in London: - Dear Madam - I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your generous gifts of the articles as is scheduled hereunder. The society will do its best to despatch your gift with the utmost expedition to the seat of war. An acknowledgement of your kindness will be made in the Press at an early date. - I remain, yours faithfully, Frank HARTINGS, Secretary.
8 bedjackets , 11 grey flannel nightshirts, 10 Oxford shirts, 2 dozen pillow cases, 6 pair of sheets, 5 1/2 dozen handkerchiefs, 4 water bottle cases.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 31 10 1914
The following are among the officers and men who have been wounded since the out-break of the war:-
Lieut.-Colonel H. M. BIDDULPH (distant cousin of Lord BIDDULPH, Ledbury) Rifle Brigade.
Captain PALAIRET (Westhill, Ledbury), 7th Royal Fusiliers.
Lieut. and Assistant Adjutant C. C. LILLEY (son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LILLEY, Deepdene, Bodenham Road, Hereford) 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment.
Private J. KNIGHTLEY (Ledbury), 7th Royal Fusiliers.

The latest recruits from Ledbury include Mr. A. SMITH, son of Mr. David SMITH, builder, Ledbury, who has joined the Royal Engineers. He will be engaged in field telegraph work.
Charles REECE, son of Mr. F. REECE, postman, Newtown, Ledbury, who is a A. B. on H.M.S. "Legion" was on board that vessel when four German destroyers were sunk off the Dutch coast recently.
We understand that Mr. Harry WEBB, M.P. has placed his services at the disposal of the War Office, and there is every prospect of his being offered a commission in the Rhondda Battalion of the new Welsh Regiment. He formerly served in the Severn Company of Submarine Engineers.

We understand that the 1st Battalion, Herefordshire Regiment, on Thursday left Northampton, where the regiment has been stationed for some time, for a destination which is being kept secret. The whole of the men have volunteered for foreign service and it is possible that the Reserve Battalion at Hereford will soon be able to take its place. It is understood that the new destination is in England.

In connection with the Ledbury Working Party for Soldiers and Sailors, Miss MARTIN, hon. secretary, has received the following
Dear Madam,
I am commanded by the Queen, to thank you for your very kind gift of belts, and for which I enclose a formal receipt.
Yours truly,

1914 Newent Reporter Newspaper - Herefordshire History
1914 - 1919 Ledbury Guardian Newspaper - Herefordshire History
1916 Tilley's Almanack
Photographs are credited to the owners
Comments are from members of the Old Ledbury Facebook Group
Cuttings from Ledbury Reporter newspapers

Ledbury Reporter

[Ledbury Reporter] The Reporter now has Archive photographs for the years 2005 - 2009 which you can view and order. Select a year then make sure Ledbury is the keyword entered before pressing GO. I have spent many an hour in the Ledbury Library looking through the old Reporters which are on microfiche. Support this great local paper.