Old Ledbury - World War One in Redmarley Village

World War One in Redmarley Village

World War One Redmarley Village

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 15 08 1914
Death of Mr. R. JAMES
We regret to record the death of Mr. Richard JAMES, landlord of the Rose and Crown Inn, Redmarley, which took place on Tuesday evening. The deceased had been under the care of the doctor for some time, and death was attributed to heart disease. On Tuesday evening Mr. JAMES appeared to be in his usual health, and conversed cheerfully with the members of his family, but half-an-hour after he had had his supper he passed away. He was attended by Dr. JOHNSON. It is only a few weeks ago that he lost his wife. Deceased was very popular in the neighbourhood, and the news of his death created a painful surprise in the village. He was about 83 years of age.

JAMES - August 11, at the Rose and Crown Inn, Redmarley, Richard JAMES, aged 78 years.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 07 11 1914
Elizabeth VAUGHAN, of Redmarley, was charged with unlawfully wounding W. John VAUGHAN, a market gardener, of Redmarley, who stated that on the 26th October he went into his field (Cobb Hills) about 7 a.m., when he saw the defendant and her daughter picking mushrooms which he had purchased. Witness demanded the mushrooms they had picked. Witness had previously warned the daughter. They refused to give them up, and witness took hold of the basket. The defendant fell down, and whilst she was on the ground she struck his hand with a knife. Later the defendant and her daughter went at him again with knives. Witness pushed them off, and this was the only time he touched her.
P. C. WILCE said when he served the summons on the defendant she said she should get one out for the complainant. She and her daughter were in the fields gathering mushrooms, when VAUGHAN hit her and grabbed at the basket and ran his hand against the knife.
Dr. J. E. St GEORGE JOHNSON, of Staunton, said when VAUGHAN went to him he was suffering from a wound on the outside of the left hand about three inches long. It was very deep. Witness put in seven or eight stitches.
Defendant, on oath, said the whole affair was a pure accident. The complainant went up to witness and her daughter, and struck her on the left ear. Witness was holding the basket handle with the knife in the same hand, and complainant, in trying to make her loose hold of the basket, rubbed his hand against the knife, causing the wound.
Annie PROTHEROE corroborated.
After consideration the Bench stated that the case would be dismissed, as the majority were of the opinion that it was an accident.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 28 11 1914
At the Upton-on-Severn Petty Sessions on Thursday last, Alfred WESTBURY of Redmarley, was fined 2s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. costs for cycling at midnight without a light.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 05 12 1914
At the Upton-on-Severn Petty Sessions on Thursday, Elizabeth VAUGHAN, of Redmarley, was summoned at the last Court for keeping a dog without a licence. She did not then appear and the case was adjourned. She did not appear now, but told the officer it was too far to travel.
The Chairman: "It's a long way to - Redmarley." (Laughter).
P. C. WALCE recounted the evidence at the previous Court, and the defendant was fined 5s. and 7s. 6d. costs.

Ledbury Guardian Newspaper 19 12 1914
At Upton-on-Severn Petty Sessions on Thursday, Charles BUNN, of Redmarley, was charged with carrying a gun without a licence.
Mr. H. W. ORME, of Ledbury, appeared for the defendant, and pleaded guilty.
Mr. Herbert J. SMITH prosecuted on behalf of the County Council.
P.C. EDWARDS met defendant at Eastnor carrying a gun, and he said he had a licence, but later he admitted having none. The gun was loaded in both barrels.
Mr. ORME said defendant had got the gun to try from the gunsmith, and was merely trying it.
Fined 10s. and costs.
Charles BUNN, the defendant in the previous case, was further charged with obtaining game by unlawfully going on land; and James BALDWIN, also of Redmarley, was charged with aiding and abetting. Mr. H. W. ORME appeared to defend both defendants.
P.C. EDWARDS stated he was with Mr. Fred VASSEY, head gamekeeper to Mr. ALBRIGHT, when he heard a report in Mr. ALBRIGHT's wood, and met both defendants, BALDWIN being just in front of BUNN. In BUNN's jacket he found the muzzle-loading gun, produced, which was loaded. He also had a rabbit in his other pocket. On going to the spot where he saw something dropped, he found a hen pheasant, still warm. BUNN said he had been starling shooting at his uncle's, and had bought the rabbit there, and did not know anything about the pheasant.
Fred VASSEY, gamekeeper, corroborated.
Mr. ORME addressed the Bench for the defence, and in the course of his remarks, asked their worships to give full credence to the evidence he would call.
Charles BUNN, the defendant, said on the day in question he went to Mr. LENCH's house, and he took the gun with them to try it. He had a shot and reloaded it, and put it on the shed. The same evening he went to his mother's at the Berrow, and about 7.30 p.m. he went back to his uncle's. Subsequently, the defendant BALDWIN called in about 8.30 p.m. Witness saw a rabbit hanging up in the back kitchen. He bought the rabbit from his uncle for 8d. There was Fred BUNN, Kate BUNN, and BALDWIN in the kitchen when he paid for the rabbit. After leaving his uncle, about 11 p.m., he went to see his brother, 200 yards away, but he was in bed, so they did not disturb him. They then went on their way towards home, and they met the constable and the keeper. BALDWIN was about 30 yards in front. He had not fired the gun since 3.30 p.m. on the same day. Witness said he did not know anything about the pheasant when it was picked up. James BALDWIN, the other defendant, corroborated.
George BUNN said on 30th November the defendant, Charles BUNN, called at this house. In addition to himself there was his son and daughter in the house together with BALDWIN (the other defendant). During the evening witness sold him a rabbit for 8d. The defendant took the rabbit with them when he left that night about 11 p.m.
Federick BUNN corroborated.
The majority of the Bench were in favour of giving defendants the benefit of the doubt, and the case was dismissed.

1914 Kington / Newent Reporter Newspaper - Herefordshire History
1914 - 1919 Ledbury Guardian Newspaper - Herefordshire History
1916 Tilley's Almanack
Photographs are credited to the owners
Comments are from members of the Old Ledbury Facebook Group
Cuttings from Ledbury Reporter Newspapers
Transcribed by Kay STEVENS

Ledbury Reporter

[Ledbury Reporter] The Reporter now has Archive photographs for the years 2005 - 2009 which you can view and order. Select a year then make sure Ledbury is the keyword entered before pressing GO. I have spent many an hour in the Ledbury Library looking through the old Reporters which are on microfiche. Support this great local paper.